Page 25 : A Vision

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Amanda Pov

"Momma!" Both my girls yelled as we saw Fin standing still as Noah stopped, both in amazement.

"What color do you think Jesse, Billie?" Fin asked looking at the balloons, pink and blue. I chuckled and smiled as Sonny looked at me and the girls. I heard Liv laughed.

Both of them looked at us and at Fin.

"Blue!" Both yelled, I laughed they knew already? Fin mouth opened looking at us.

"Are they correct Amanda?" He asked as I looked at Sonny who smiled.

"Yes." I replied giggling his mouth opened looking at Liv nodding as both Jesse and Billie looked at each smiling running to their father, while Noah walked to his mother.

"This is little Waylen."

"Remember, we are sharing him!" Liv told as he smiled big

"We are his godparents?" Fin asked as we nodded. "I call first!" Fin yelled smirking at Liv. "No way, ladies first!" Liv joked at him as we all laughed

"We have a brother!" Jesse yelled as Billie jumped on the bed with Sonny helping.

Fin gave Sonny a handshake and a hug. "Congratulations man, a son." He told as Sonny nodded smiling, he came over to me and looked at our boy looking at him.

"Manda, his eyes. Picture perfect. I'm so proud of you, you have a son." He cried I saw his eyes tear up. "Come here you." He cried as we hugged he took his little hand. "You two got to be kidding me." I cried of joy as both Billie and Jesse came closer.

I gently placed him between my girls, his head by Jesse and his feet by Billie, both smiling down at him.

"He is so small." Billie cried out taking his hand.

"Momma, he is smaller than our dolls." Jesse explained I nodded, deep down I'm not quite sure of that. I saw Noah coming closer, as I make space for him.

"Noah, you want to hold him?" I asked gently knowing he is big enough to hold our boy. He is 12, he knows head support." Both my girls nodded as I took our son from them, still staying close. Noah sit next to me. I gave him our son.

"Noah support his head." Liv told as he smiled "I know momma. He is still a newborn. " Noah told gently holding him. He smiled down at him.

"So beautiful." He told giggling looking at his mother, who smiled at him.

"Can I?" Fin asked as Sonny nodded along with me. When Noah was finished, Sonny took little Waylen and placed him in Fin arms.

"Oh, Carisi's this is just amazing. Hello little guy." He cried out smiling "I'm speechless." He smiled as he handed him back to me. "Mommy needs you now." Fin told as I smiled at him, then looking down at my boy and my family around me.

I enjoy and appreciate this moments. My doctor brought our son basket to lay in. Sonny helped me, and laid Waylen into this curb fast asleep. I gently laid down, I was exhausted. I saw Fin and Liv look at each.

"Amanda, Fin and I will be heading back. You'll need rest." Liv told, she was right, I really do. I nodded smiling as they gave me a hug and to our girls and then Sonny, we also greeted Noah, then they all looked at our son asleep in his basket, they smiled at me and walked gently out.


Sonny Pov

I watched Jesse and Billie laying down with their mom, while Amanda held them. I smiled at this side. I love this so much. I saw her look up at me and smiled, I smiled back. It's like falling all over for her again.

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