Page 34: A Hero Within

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Amanda pov

We arrived at home, I went straight to bed after putting Waylen in his cot , as I hear the girls putting on the tv. I just closed my eyes and drifted off.

Next thing I knew was Jesse and Billie behind me. Billie was hugging me while Jesse in front of me.

"And now?" I replied looking up and sitting ontop of me.

"Having fun." Jesse told smiling as Billie nodded.

"What did I do, to deserve you two." I told and hugged them tide. After a while I joined them watching a movie, when a few hours later I saw them out sleeping with me, my girls. I have so much time with them now.

Suddenly I heard the door and there was Sonny.

"Daddy!" Billie and Jesse yelled rushing up as Sonny walked in, both of them rushing into his arms. I laughed at this side.

Suddenly I got a call from Liv.

"Manda?" I hear her voice full of worries

"Liv? You alright?" I asked as she continues

"Is Noah there?" She asked and I look at Jesse and Billie watching TV, I got confused.

"No, why isn't he at home? " I asked as Sonny walmed to me also worried and she followed

"No, I'm calling him again." She told and I looked at Dominick. "Call me when he doesn't answer." I told as she laid off.

"Now?" He asked and I look up at him.

"It's Noah. He isn't at home." I told as Sonny look at me also confused.

" I told as Sonny look at me also confused

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A few minutes later Liv called and I answered.

"Liv did you..." I asked slolwy sitting up from the couch with Sonny.

"He is safe, is with his brother." she told and I sigh in relief.

"That's great." I replied as Sonny smiled at me looking in relief.

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