Page 26 : An Act of selfless

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Amanda Pov

I woked up a few minutes ago, and all I could do was stare at Waylen. I woked up around 2am to feed him and he is still out. He is the quite one, a quite relaxing baby. Yet, I must not jinxed it. So far I had a peaceful night.

Now, he is sleeping in his bed next to my bed. Me turning to my side and him fast asleep on his side with his left arm stretch out while his right is pointed towards him.

Sonny Pov

I woked up, seeing Amanda not here was awful. I woked up during the night and just wondered how she was doing, how is Waylen?

Now I'm up, quite early then usual. I got the kids lunches ready for school and made them breakfast, without a doubt Jesse came walking to the kitchen.

"Daddy, your not sleeping?" She asks me rubbing her eyes.

"No, Jesse I'm up. You? Are you ready for school?" I ask her as she look up at me.

"No, it's to early. I went to the bathroom and heard a noise in the kitchen." She told as I smiled at her.

"Go back to sleep, I'll wake you and Billie in an hour." I told her kissing her forehead as she nodded and head back.

I finished what must be finished, as I decided to wake them up. I saw the door halfway open. I gently knock.

"Come in!" I heard yelling, I opened and there Billie and Jesse was both awake and dressed in their school uniforms.

"You both up?" I asked them surprised they nodded.

"When I came back Billie was up and we got finished." Jesse explained, I smiled at them.

"You two are getting so big now." I laughed at them as they run to me and we hugged.

"You're breakfast is in the kitchen. And your lunches on the kitchen counter." I explained as they rushed out.

"Thank you daddy!" Both yelled as I walked out after them. When I reached them, both was sitting down eating their meals on the couch. I went and got mine and joined them.

"Daddy can we visit mommy and Waylen today?" Billie asked excitedly

"Well, I think mommy will be back home when you two come home today after school?" I replied as both of them smile happily, I knew they liked that.

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