Page 18: Sounds of Silence

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Amanda Pov

I watched as they ran to her laying down. "Code green!" They keep yelling. Suddenly my doctor came to me.

"Amanda, it's a code green. It's means there is brain movement." She told and I looked at Jesse, they turn to the monitor and her breathing. Suddenly I saw Jesse moved, her arms started moving around. I felt Liv grab harder. Just then I saw her doctor pointing for us to come in, I rushed in with Liv and my doctor following.

"She is awakening mommy!" Her doctor told, I felt tears forming in my eyes, I was so happy. As I saw Billie and Noah running in with Sonny, he came to me in seconds. He held me as we watched.

Suddenly Jesse opened her eyes. She was confused looking around, as she rushed up. "Mommy!" She yelled I rushed to her and look at her, she cried as I help her lay down.

"Jesse I'm here." I cried looking at her, I turn to Sonny he smiled holding me.

"Daddy?" She cried smiling

"Honey." He told and stroked her cheeks, as Sonny picked Billie up.

"Jesse!" She yelled as Billie smiled.

"You found Billie." She cried as we nodded smiling.

"Noah is also here." I told as she smiled looking at us.

"Aunty Livia." She told as Liv smiled wiping her eyes.

Her doctor, came to me. "She is awake, she is going to be alright, everything is good." He told me and smiled, I cried more. As he hugged me tide.

"A strong girl you both got here." The nurse told and smiled walking out.

"Congratulations mommy, daddy she is healthy." Other nurse told and smiled walking out.

My doctor smiled at me. As she and Jesse doctor walked out smiling. I held Jesse hands, stroking her, Billie joined her on the bed, as Noah sit on the bed as well. Sonny stood next to me with Liv by her feet side with Noah.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as she smiled

"Better momma, just tired." She told as we smiled at her.

"Oh Jesse, you scared me." I told as she smiled at me.

"Sorry Momma, I had to help Billie." She told and I looked at Sonny, and cried in his shoulders as I saw Liv wiping her eyes. Suddenly I felt a hand on my stomach, and saw Jesse.

"Is baby save?" She asked as I smiled at her and held her hand.

"Yes honey." I told smiling looking at her smile.

Suddenly Jesse doctor appears, Sonny and I walked out leaving Liv in there.

"Jesse is healthy, she will be staying for a day or two for observation but, nothing to worry about. Her brain function is normal, her breathing is good. She is fine and safe." He told and smiled, as my doctor came.

"I asked Doctor Frost, to check you. You had a panicked attack a few times with Jesse, Billie and Noah. She did check you but, we figured another one would be safe. If it's alright with you." He asked and I looked at Sonny as we nodded.

We went in and told Liv, she nodded to stay with the kids, while we went for an ultrasound.

Amanda pregnancy's with Jesse and Billie

Amanda pregnancy's with Jesse and Billie

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Sonny Pov

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Sonny Pov

We walked to Amanda doctor's room. As Amanda put on a hospital gown. I was happy to see her better. Amanda laid down on the bed with me by her side.

Her doctor covered her legs and lifted her shirt. She did the sonogram. And we heard the baby heartbeat strong and healthy. The baby grew. It was fully form of a baby.

Amanda smiled at me, as we saw the baby kicked on the screen and moved around in her womb.

It was so strong, I held her hand and smiled at her.

"Perfectly healthy." Her doctor explained as we smiled, she printed photos. As she left us for a moment.

"That is still amazing Amanda." I told as she smiled

"Yes, it doesn't get old." She says and smiled at me giggling


We walked back and saw Jesse still awake and having fun with her sister and friend, as Liv was on the phone.

"Thank you Fin, Amanda is back. I'll let her know. He is asking how the baby is?" Liv told as we smiled "Baby is healthy." We told trough the speaker as he laughed.

"Fin, got the 4 man that took the girls and Noah. The Teddy bear man, he is in jail but, ordered friends to kidnapped the kids, for sex trafficking. He will be not allowed any conversation with people listening and visitor as well. And his jail time got longer with the four men that was his accomplishes."

"Really, they spilled?" I asked as Liv nodded.

"I'm happy. Jesse and Billie is healthy and so is Noah." Amanda told as we nodded happily.

"Thankfully yes." Liv told as we smiled seeing the kids having fun.

"What did Jesse doctor told?" Liv asked smiling

"They want to keep her for a day or two for observation but, she is healthy." Amanda explained as we smiled happily.

"And the little one?" Liv continued

"Baby is healthy and moving and kicking on the screen. Look!" Amanda explained showing the photos of the ultrasound while Liv watched excitedly.

We went to the kids and just watched them, Amanda lay against my chest on the sofa. I felt her calmer then before her breathing was gentle and normal. I knew she had a long stressful day. I saw Liv, smiling at us she laid back on the couch and watched the kids.

I took a deep breath and exhale the stress. I was also calmer. We all were safe. Suddenly I heard a soft murmur, I looked down, as Liv turn to me. I saw Amanda fast asleep, her breathing ecco on my chest. Liv smiled as I giggled.

We're happy, were save and we are here together, not separated.

Just us, just family.

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Photos from Law and Order SVU

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