Page 36 : Keeping You Both Safe.

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We saw Jesse getting ready with seven of her friends since there was eight lines, we saw her getting on her marks for me it was pure joy. Liv embraced me, I smiled at her, Sonny grabbed me as we held each seeing her looking forward. Billie was holding on trough the railing. Fin and Phoebe was standing next to us cheering. Sonny was holding Waylen, still asleep.

The gun went off and there Jesse ran, my heart filled with joy she was mesmerizing. Everyone was screaming, I was too. I was so a proud mom.

She finished second I was amazed. "Amanda, she is second!" Liv yelled I nodded with Sonny.

We saw her being awarded for a silver medal, I was so proud of her. She ran back to us. "Mommy, look!" she yelled showing me her medal. I gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Momma is so proud of you baby." I explained giving her a tide hug.

"Great job!" Noah command, I laughed seeing them hugging her, Billie went and hugged her sister.

"Great job sis." she told hugging her. I smiled at my two girls.

"What else is she participating?" Fin asked I smiled at him.

"Rely, 80m along with 60m running." Sonny explains as I nodded.

"She doesn't want do the rest." I explained as they smiled.

"Still for her age, she is amazing, I'm sure she will nail the rest as well if she wants to." Phoebe told as I laughed.

"Well, she is only more excited for the long distance, she is already participating in cross country, which will be held in two months, her teacher is already seeing potential there as well." I told smiling looking at Jesse playing with Billie and Noah on the field, while Waylen was in his carrier.

"Still impressive!" Liv explains smiling.

We watched for the other kids running and having fun, when Jesse went again. She was amazing, 60m she won, 80m 3th place. The rely was last, the was the 3th runner up, as she gave the paton to her best friend to run to the finish line, they finished 2nd. I was so happy for them and their team we all cheered. I loved seeing my friends here, being here for my daughters.

We finished around 12pm and we knew Billie was next, we walked behind the school where the horses are. Sonny was carrying Waylen in his sitting chair.

Billie ran to Buttercup her purebred half quarter horse. She was one beautiful stallion. Still she was the schools but, she and Billie has a bond. I love that.

We all walked to her, while she fed Buttercup. Her teacher approached us and walked to me and Sonny.

"Mrs and Mr Carisi, welcome. I see Billie is ready." She told smiling at our son in his carrier.

"She is and excited." I explained smiling.

"Billie, will first be doing dressage, followed by jumping then racing 200m." she told smiling.

I looked at Sonny, we both were surprised. "Don't worry, she'll be fine and safe mom and dad." she told we smiled

Liv peeked trough my shoulder holding my waist. "She'll be alright."

"I hope so, I'll be depending on that horse!" I told as Fin and Phoebe laughed.

I gave Billie her bag, as Jesse followed with her, after a while she came back with Jesse fully dressed with her uniform and helmet.

I reached over that helmet and makes sure its tide." Mom it's fine." Billie laughed I looked at her, she is growing up. "I know baby, I just wanted to make sure." I told as she smiled at me. Dominick grabbed me and hugged me.

We all got a chair and my eyes was waisted on Billie. "Man, couldn't she chose something safe."

"She is safe, Manda." Dominick told, I realized I just told that loud.

"I'm just worried, she is only six, almost seven." I told as Sonny embraced me, he held me tide, I wanted to cry.

"I know, she'll be okay." he explains I saw Billie climbing on, my heart started racing.

"Billie Carisi on her horse Buttercup." we heard, inside I wanted to scream but, she is so happy. She began and she and the horse was in union. She went where she was needed to my heart filled with joy.

"Mom look Billie!" Jesse yelled hugging us by the middle from behind, while she sits with Noah behind us, both also mesmerized. Liv was holding my free hand, while Sonny held me, Fin and Phoebe was cheering. Waylen was on bis carrier next to Sonny.

Billie followed all the boards letter and numbers she was asked I was so filled with love.

She finished, I smiled as she and Buttercup bowed in the end. She was awarded 2nd place, I was so happy. After that we moved to a different area for Billie's jumping.

I looked at all this poles, my heart begins to break. I saw Billie running to us with her Ribbon waving in her hand. I smiled at her. "Baby, will you get over all this?" I asked as she smiled. "I promise mamma." she told and there Sonny grabbed me holding me tide. "She will be fine."

"You have to talk to that horse!" I yelled, as he laughed. I saw Noah laughing at my comment. I then saw Liv covering her mouth, I knew she was laughing. Fin and Phoebe smiled at me. "Amanda, she will be fine." Fin told hugging Phoebe.

I realized I'm being silly, I smiled at her. "Just be safe okay?" I smiled at her, seeing the sisters hugged as she ran off. Jesse was holding her ribbon we all sit down and then after a while of waiting after a few other girls. I smiled seeing them as well, some did fell and some couldn't make it, some was great. Then it was Billie. Her name was called, a happy feeling embraced.

She leaped over them, I was so overjoyed and excited she was amazing, there was one with 3 poles and a lake. I was worried since I saw not everyone of her age makes it, she does and I cheered with joy. She was finished. Dominick held me tide. "She is alright, she is finish Amanda." He told, I knew he was checking on me since I was so worried.

She was awarded, first place I was speechless. Liv was surprised looking at me.

"Amanda, her teacher told me, this was her strongest one." Dominick told I was shocked so was everyone.

"She needs to teach me!" Noah yelled as we laughed.

After that she was racing, I was so overwhelmed by joy. She came 3rd I was so happy.

We met her, as she kissed her horse on the side of his head. I smiled and hugged my girl, as I smiled and hugged Buttercup." Thank you." I told smiling as she hinges at me, I smiled.

Everyone hugged her, Jesse gave her a hug and gave back her ribbons. I was so happy for my girls.

Jesse and Billie did so good! Jesse, 4 medals and Billie was awarded 3 ribbons. I was so filled with joy.

When Fin and Liv got a call, they needed to head back to work. It was 3pm, Waylen was awake we decided to head home. I fet Waylen in the car, I understand he was hungry he slept trough the day.


Photo ontop I made.

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