Part 39 : Time Laps

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Time lap

Six months past when Phoebe and Fin came to us, for a party at their house meanwhile it was a surprise he and Phoebe are expecting a baby girl, we are excited and so happy. They tied the nod a week after.

Another six weeks after, Liv came and told us she and Stabler are finally dating. Yes their finally dating, now we are waiting for a wedding.

Time went on great and so was each of us, I love seeing my friends once in a while, or going to Dominick's work with the kids or the kids being there with daddy, seeing Dominick holding his own son and enjoying some dad and son time was so sweet, even daddy and daughters day was also something new to experience. I also had my day with the kids and it was so sweet.

I had a lot of moments during this past months, Phoebe welcomed her daughter Sierra, after 6 more months she was the spitting image of Fin, her mothers eyes and hair, her fathers smile. It was truly a beautiful day and Waylen and Sierra grew up together a lot.

Four Months later, Liv and Elliott finally tied the nod, seeing Noah being a little brother to Elliott kids was also so sweet and touching. Seeing Liv so happy was something else, she was a new person, we visited with each quite a lot.

Liv came to me in silence after two months, I was with Waylen and the girls in the park, when she told me the great news, she is expecting. I was so thrilled for her.

Together twelve months past and, Waylen was now 4 years old, Jesse Fifteen years while Billie now Eleven years old. I couldn't believe how time flew by, seeing me so happy along with my friends.

Looking back and now...

It was such a sweet sight coming into the precinct with Waylen running to Liv's arms, or when she picks him up and carry him around or me walking in with him, sometimes holding my hand. At times seeing Dominick carrying Waylen in his arms playing with him, or he holding his fathers hand as they walk to places. Hearing Waylen talking to us, it was all a different view, seeing him interact with his sisters, the three playing together or running in the house or when all five of us play together in the house. It was magic to me, magic I couldn't explain.

Sierra was now 8 months old and she was like her father... A different view, she was also a younger sister to Fin oldest son. He came by a lot to visit.

A few months later

Liv was now 8 months pregnant, she was looking beautiful every day, I was asked to be there for the arrival and I was honored. Seeing her little baby bump grew was so sweet, her emotions getting to her, coming to me. She was on desk duty, did she liked that not at all, she was laughing knowing how I felt with the girls, with Waylen it was was different.

I visited them at their apartment when Liv went into labor, I knew how she felt. She asked me quite a lot how I went trough this pain, I laughed and smiled telling her, "It will be worth it when the baby arrives." and kept by her side the whole time. Seeing Stabler in this stage was a completely different view, Dominick was also worried but, he takes the cake.

A few long hours later, I stayed with Liv, she pushed for a long hour and they welcomed a baby girl Kate. I was so overwhelmed by her presence let me think back, seeing her holding their girl was completely joy, and seeing Elliott holding her was just something else.

I saw Liv smiling at me and I smiled back, she was happy I was there with her in this vulnerable moment of her life, since she was quite stressed about this pregnancy since her pregnancy scare. She was with me a lot and I'm glad I could be with her moment as she was with mine.


Photos from Law and Order SVU Season 21 episode 1 Carisi Surprise Party

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