Part 38 : My Love

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Amanda Pov

I woked up, I saw Dominick was already up. I looked at the alarm 8:45 pm? I was out. I stood up and went to the living room saw Dominick making breakfast.

"Morning." I told him he smiled at me walking to me.

"Morning." he told and kiss me, I returned as ge held me tide, he let go and looks at me. "How are you?" he asked and I smiled at him nodding. "Good." I told smiling as he held me tide.

I grabbed a plate with him and we ate, cuddling on the couch.

The afternoon the girls and Waylen came back after being with my mother, I was so happy to have them back, we decided to go on a trip with each for the day.

We went to the park, an ice rink, a movie theater and just a family afternoon leading into the night.

Seeing the kids run to the amusement park, while I was holding Waylen and onto Dominick. We rode together on a few rides and just enjoyed the night. My favorite was the Faris wheel, seeing Jesse and Billie so excited about being high in the sky.

It was around 11pm when we saw the kids finally heading into sleepy mode. It was a family day, so them sleeping late was great. We decided to head back, we walked together with them to the car, on the car ride both was sleeping in the back, Dominick and I laughing at the side in the back, he placed his hand onto my knee and I smiled at him, when we arrived at home. I took Waylen last in, while he took Jesse and Billie first, two trips, I walked in with Waylen while he carried Billie in, Jesse was already in her bed after Dominick carried her in. We lay them each down in their own rooms, even Waylen have his own room and we went to our room. We cuddled for a few minutes when I fell asleep under the covers onto his arms.

As the hours turned into days, days to weeks, weeks to months, months to years.

2 years later

I was busy helping Dominick making breakfast while Jesse and Billie watched a movie on the couch with Waylen sitting with them.

"Guys, dinners ready!" Dominick yelled as I laughed at him.

They rushed up and each got themselves a plate, we ate together and have the night to ourselves.

When we finished, the girls went to bed. We finished everything and also went, Dominick and I got dressed and just sat together, he was busy reading a book, for his case and I well another book for the students to get ready.

Dominick pov

After a while, I started to get really boring at this. I put my book down onto my lap and looked at Amanda, she was still busy, deep in thought from that school cirucculum book. I looked at her and smiled wondering if she would see me. I saw her attention being drifting to me, she looked up from her book with her reading classes on.

"What?" she asked chuckling

"Just you." I told as she smiled at me, I took my book and placed it on the side table, I saw Amanda doing the same.

I moved up to her and held her, as we both lay down together, I softly placed a kiss on her lips, she smiled at me, giving it back, we started embracing each. Just as I pulled apart, I saw she was underneath me, and I was ontop, she smiled at me.

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