Page 23 : Undescribable

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Amanda Pov

"Amanda, everything is alright. You are going to have to sit more up, Sonny and Olivia here comes your biggest part." She told and I looked at my husband.

"Dominick!" I cried as tears run down more my eyes. Sonny embraced me while Liv grabbed me from behind in an embrace. I was scared something mide be wrong.

"You got this Amanda!" Sonny told gently "You can do anything." He says and I cried more looking at him.

"Amanda, Sonny is right you can!" Liv told and I could feel another contractions.

"Amanda, on the contraction breath." My doctor told nodding to my husband and friend as I winched from the pain, as both Sonny and Liv grabbed me. I was laying there into position that my doctor wanted, I felt my body getting ready.

I took a deep breath as Sonny and Liv with my doctor breath with me, I felt Sonny and Liv lifting me up as the contraction hit, I pushed along with everyone around me. I gave it everything I have trough all the exhaustion and pain, I was moaning and crying. I felt the baby turn.

I fall down onto Liv chest closing my eyes from the pain and exhaustion. I opened my eyes in a few breaths as I saw her smiling down at me, she was crying like I never saw her beforehand. Sonny buried himself onto my shoulder while holding my hand. He looked up at me, into my eyes. I saw his red eyes with tears falling slowly down, he is actually crying.

"Baby's shoulders is free Amanda, just one more, one last one." She asked and I nodded

I was crying, Sonny was crying and so was Liv. Sonny stood up and placed a kiss on my lips and released standing back up. I felt the contraction and started breathing for my strength, I only closed my eyes. I heard Sonny. "I can see the body!" He cried and I giggled at him trough breaths. I looked at Liv, she was smiling at me gently.

I felt my body telling me again. "On 5 then you push." My doctor told, I was still exhausted. I pushed but, didn't gave much, I felt a soft movement, I knew already it wasn't enough.

"Amanda, on the next one, give it everything you have left." She told and I cried, I cried looking at her as she looked down and smiled at me. "My dear Amanda, you boy is waiting to meet you."

I freezed at that comment "What?" I asked gently crying all over again.

"You heard me, you two are having a son." She told gently, I saw Sonny mouth opened with tears. I heard Liv gasped in joy. I nodded at my doctor and smiled. I'm so ready for this to meet my son our son.

"We wait on the contraction. Then you give it everything for this little boy. He wants to see his momma." She told, I nodded breathing getting my breathing together. I was so excited.

I felt the contraction and without a doubt with Sonny and Liv, I gave it everything I have, Liv and Sonny helping me up as I pushed trough the pain. I wanted to see my son.

I felt his body escaped and I looked and saw our little guy appearing crying his lungs out. She placed him onto my chest crying his lungs out, I laughed with joy holding him as Dominick and Liv helped to open my gown, so he could get skin to skin.

I felt that feeling the skin to skin touch. I cried all over again. As Sonny held my shoulder with Liv, holding my back both sitting with me on the bed.

Sonny kissed me and embraced me with a hug "Manda, you did so amazingly!" he explained happily as Liv followed with a hug.

"Daddy come cut your son cord." My doctor told as Sonny looked at me, I nodded as he leaped over there. I laid back onto Liv chest, as she took my hair out of my face, she was crying a happy smile looking at me. "You did so beautifully Manda." She chuckled squeezing my shoulder.

She moved her head to give me the bed, she helped me up as she sit next to me, as I fall onto the bed in relief. "I'm not hurting him right?" Sonny asked my doctor 

"No, not at all." She told laughing at him then looking at me with a gentle smile as he cut his cord.

"Amanda, you will feel somehow soon another contractions for the placenta." My doctor told as I nodded, I knew the drill.

Sonny Pov

Looking at Amanda, holding our son. I cried hearing it was a son. I cried seeing him appear, I am crying now seeing him on his mother chest. I am so happy. We created a boy together.

Olivia Pov

The moment I saw the little guy appear I was breaking down. I couldn't believe it. Amanda was so strong. Seeing this little one laying on her skin, softly opening his eyes. All I could do was cry. Sonny helped closing him with a blanket to keep him warm.

Amanda Pov

I just stare down at our son, he stopped crying the moment I held him. He was so small so fragile and so pink. His eyes adjusting to the light. I smiled taking his hand while my other hand was holding him. Sonny placed a blanket on him, I saw his little tongue beginning to stick out. I smiled at that sight.

My doctor checked me for the last time, and then took our son for his check up. Leaving Sonny and Liv with me.

"How are you feeling?" Dominick asked me, I smiled at him.

"I'm great, just exhausted. I want to see him." I told eagerly as they laughed.

"Soon Amanda." Liv told and I smiled at her.

"He is so small." I explained happily.

"He is." Dominick told smiling at me, he kissed my cheek.

"He is so beautiful." Liv told smiling at us, smiling at her.

Then she returned and gave our little boy back.

"Congratulations mommy, a healthy little boy." She told and placed him onto my chest with a hospital hat, clothes and a blanket.

I saw him move, and placed his head against my chest, moving his tongue touching his lips.

"He is hungry momma." Liv chuckled as I nodded following. I gently placed him right to feed him, I smiled watching him latched onto me. I smiled down at his soft hands pressing against me.

"What are you calling him?" My doctor asked smiling

"What are you calling him?" My doctor asked smiling

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Photos from Law and Order SVU - ontop I made myself was originally a behind the scenes from season 24 Episode 3
Baby picture - google.

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