Page 2 : A friend in need is a friend indeed.

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Amanda Pov

I returned and saw Liv, talking to my girls both happy.

"Better?" Liv asked and I nodded sitting down where I was.

"Very." I smiled gently looking at my girls.

"Can I order your favorite donuts for the girls?" She asked and the taste of it makes me sick again, I saw the dust bin standing in Liv's office, and threw up in there. Next thing, I knew was Liv holding my hair.

"Momma?" Billie asked as Liv talked to her.

"Billie she is alright. Mommy is just sick like all of us at times."

"Like me, last week when I got that tummy bug." Jesse told to encourage her sister.

"Exactly." Liv told and I smiled as Liv tapped my back.

"Looks like you need to call in sick, till you are better." Liv replied smiling as I nodded.

"Go home, get some rest. You girls let mommy sleep, and call me if she doesn't sleep or get better."

"Promise!" Both Billie and Jesse yelled. I nodded as we walked out.

"Thanks Liv." I replied as she smiled at me.

"Get well." She told standing by her door smiling.


We arrived at home, I went straight to bed, as I hear the girls putting on the tv. I just closed my eyes and drifted off. After a while I woke up to another wave of nausea. I ran to the bathroom next thing I knew was Jesse and Billie behind me. Billie was hugging me while Jesse held my hair.

"I'm so sorry." I replied looking up and sitting on the floor next to them.

"It's okay momma, you help us when we have to throw up." Jesse told smiling as Billie nodded.

"What did I do, to deserve you two." I told and hugged them tide. After a while I joined them watching a movie, when a few hours later I ran again.

Suddenly I heard the door and there was Sonny.

"Daddy, momma is sick." Billie told as Sonny help me with my hair.

"Manda, how long has this been going on? Liv told me you threw up in the office as well twice."

"Four times." I told as he smiled at me.

"I'm calling your school, you need to rest." He told and I nodded, stupid Chicken.

Suddenly I got a call from Liv.

"Manda?" I hear her voice full of worries

"Liv? You alright?" I asked as she continues

"Jesse called me, you still sick?" She asked and I look at Jesse and Billie watching TV, I smiled

"I'm okay, still throwing up, but I'll go tomorrow if I'm not better." I told and she followed

"You better, I'm going to call you." She told and I smiled

"Good night Liv."

"Night Amanda, please take care." She told and laid off.


I went to bed in an hour, after another wave hit me, Sonny stayed up with the girls, while I went to sleep.

I woked up 4 times during the night as well. Luckily the girls slept, while Sonny was with me.

"Manda, tomorrow you need so see the doctor. It's green and it's worries me." He told and I look up at him.

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