Page 30 : Mistake unturned

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Amanda Pov

We went to sleep, Noah stayed over while they had a sleepover infront of the tv. I went to sleep with Dominick stayed with the kids to watched them.

Later that night, I felt him crept in. I woked up and looked at him.

"Their sleeping?" I asked as he smiled

"Billie first with Jesse following, Noah and I had a talk and he felt asleep on my lap." He explained gently laying down with me.

"Noah? About what?" I asked softly

"He is almost 13, he understands how his mom is in the dangerous work place. He just told how every time Liv, goes out he worries about her safety."

"I understand, especially that time when the gang attack Liv infront of Noah." I explained as he nodded

"Noah asked me about Waylen as well." He smirked

"Really?" I asked chuckling

"Yeah, about him being a brother to Jesse and Billie, he is glad he got to be part of the siblings crew but, knew Waylen is their brother. I told him that he is still part of the girls as a sibling with Waylen, and he is Waylen older brother." He explained I was shocked

"Exactly. Jesse and Billie loves Noah." I explained kissing Dominick cheek. "You told good." I smiled at him as he smiled back. Suddenly Sonny got a message and opened it with me it was Liv.

"Can I pick Noah up tomorrow morning, it's going to be a long night?"

"He is sleeping already, no problem. We will take care of him, take care of you." We texted back together.

"Thank you, you two are the best. Good night."

"Good night Liv, drink plenty of coffee."

"Can't promise." She replied back as we put the phone away and looked at each.

"Another night with you again. I miss it." Sonny told smiling

"I missed you too Mr Carisi." I explained as we kissed and hugged, as we held each other and drifted off.

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Sonny Pov

I got woken up by Waylen crying with Amanda slowly following, I knew she was tired.

"I'll get him, get some sleep." I explained softly as she looked at me.

"Sonny, you sure?" She asked gently as I smiled.

I went over and picked Waylen up and gently hushed him, I quickly dried him and held him again, he slept further. I turned to Amanda, she was out. I smiled back at her as I laid Waylen down in his bed. I slowly crept back into the bed and we slept further.

Amanda and I got woken up by Billie, I looked at the clock 1am.

"Momma, daddy wake up!" She softly yelled not to wake Waylen up.

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