Page 16: Seeking You

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Fin Pov

We arrived at Mercy Hospital. They let Amanda in with Sonny first. We were standing a few meters away to see.

Both of them staring at her, Amanda fall to the floor, as Sonny grab her.

"Fin? What happened?" Liv asked looking at Amanda helpless.

"Head wound, she is barely breathing, unconscious." I told and saw Liv looking at me, I saw tears in her eyes. She wanted to keep strong but, I could see. I embraced her and heard her whimper.

The doctor told us to go. Liv ran to Amanda and held her, I looked at Jesse. She had a head bandage, oxygen mask, heart monitors and brain monitor her breathing was slow. She was in the ICU, to see your best friends daughter laying there like this it broke me. Who knows what Amanda and Sonny are feeling their daughter.

Liv looked at me and stood up, she saw Jesse her eyes was just staring in shock. "Liv?" I asked as she broke infront of us. I held her tide.

The doctor came. "She has head trauma, the bleeding stopped which is good. It's a force wound, like she was thrown at a wall. Her breathing is slow, we have her on oxygen. She did code on the exam table, but she is alive. Did any of you learn her about keeping pressure?" He asked as Amanda and Sonny nodded.

Season 14 episode 22

Season 24 Episode 1 Law and Order 3 hour premiere

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Season 24 Episode 1 Law and Order 3 hour premiere

"Amanda was shot twice, we always tell her to try and stop the bleeding

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"Amanda was shot twice, we always tell her to try and stop the bleeding." Sonny told as the doctor sit on the floor with Amanda.

"I'm proud. It saved her life." He told and embraced Amanda. He stopped and look at Amanda. "Your pregnant?" He asked as Amanda nodded slowly trough breaths.

"How long are you?" He asked and looked at Sonny, Liv looked at me.

"Almost 7 months." Amanda told as the doctor held her hand.

"I need you to calm. Deep breaths."

"I can't my daughter is still missing and Noah." Amanda cried as the doctor looked at us.

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