Page 20 : Testing my feelings

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Sonny Pov

I continued with my work, Amanda was now 34 weeks pregnant. She already started with Braxton Hicks contractions, the night after the baby shower, which was 5 days past already. When I told the squad they were happy and shocked it's happening a little early. She was at home relaxing, most of the time in her bed.

The crew kept visiting her, and see how she is doing. Especially Liv, she came often to check Amanda. Luckily Amanda and I finalize on names whatever the gender can be. Now is just the waiting process for the big day. I was on speed dial for the arrival.

Amanda Pov

I woked up, and looked around. I love sleeping but, I can sleep all the time. I stood up and walked to the kitchen I felt another contractions. I smiled knowing it's only a matter of time. I poured myself some juice, and sit infront of the tv, with a blanket over me.

I got a call, and picked up.

"Hey Mr Carisi." I told smiling

"Mrs Carisi, how are you doing?" He asked gently

"Still contractions, watching TV now." I told as he giggled in the back.

"What are you up too?" I asked smiling

"Wait!" He asked and continue "On speaker."

"Amanda!" I heard cheering in the background

"Hey!" I screamed in the back.

"How is the mom to be?" Fin asked me I laughed

"Getting annoyed with this false labor. I just want it to start." I yelled in agony

"Amanda, take it slow. It will follow." I heard Liv voice, I smiled.

"Hopefully sooner." I told smiling as they laughed.

"Hang tide Boo." Fin told

"Take care Amanda, stay safe." Liv told as I smiled at their voices.

"Will do." I told happily.

"Love you." Sonny explained

"Love you more." I express as he laid off.

I went back to the stupid tv programs, as I drifted off."


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