Page 9 : Laughter is the best medicine

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Sonny Pov

I waited outside, while they do what they need. Everything that could go wrong jumped into my head. They opened the door for me to come in, I kept asking what's wrong. They say I can stay with her. After a while, Amanda woked up, she kept looking at me, while they examined her.

"Is the baby alright?" She kept asking as Amanda look at me scared. I held her hand demanding answers

"Baby is doing good, heartbeat is great. Amanda, you blood pressure dropped. We are going to observe you for the night."

"Thank you. " I yelled hugging her.

"Where is Jesse and Billie?" Amanda asked

"In the waiting room with Liv." I told as she smiled

"Please can you bring them." She asked as I nodded walking out, seeing both my girls sleeping on Liv lap with Fin and Phoebe.

Amanda Pov

I watched as Sonny walked out, I fall down and signed. I hate this so much. Seeing my girls like this. Luckily Liv was there and Sonny. I hope this end soon.

I took a deep breath an relaxed as I hear Jesse and Billie, I smiled.

Sonny Pov

"Can we see her?" Liv asked as I smiled showing them the way.

Jesse and Billie rise up and hugged me.

"Momma is waiting for you two." I told as they run to Amanda room.

Liv rushed in "Amanda, don't scare me-us like that." She yelled holding her hand.

"You alright?" I asked as she smiled.

"I'm good Sonny, Liv don't worry. They just want to keep me over night." She told happily as I smiled at her and us.

"Mommy you better?" Billie asked as Amanda smiled

Amanda Pov

"Much." I told and kissed them as they sit with me on the bed.

Suddenly the doctor came in and smiled at us.

"So this is the sweet family." She told as we smiled, she went to my IV fluids and injected new medicine.

"What is that?" Jesse asked my doctor.

"It's for mommy, to help her feel better, and not like earlier." She told as I took Jesse hand, she smiled at my doctor, winking at her. As she walked out. We all just relaxed, Billie and Jesse sit with me while Sonny my my feet, Liv on the chair with Phoebe next to her while Fin on the couch in the corner of the room.

Suddenly my doctor came in.

"Amanda, if you want we want to do a Sonogram?" She asked as I look at Sonny we both smiled.

"We will wait outside." Fin told standing up as I stopped them.

"No stay, luckily it's just a Sonogram not the other." I told and laughed as Liv and Sonny smiled at me.

Everyone moved to my feet side, as Billie and Jesse moved a little bit back but still on the bed. She gently lifted my shirt for my stomach to show only, she put gel on me, as I saw Billie look at me.

Everyone at the Christening of Billie Rollins

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Everyone at the Christening of Billie Rollins. Sonny Carisi taking the photo, Noah Benson standing by Fin Totuola, Amanda Rollins aka Amanda Carisi holding Billie Rollins and Olivia (Liv) Benson holding Jesse Rollins.

"That looks cold." She told as we laughed.

"It is." I told touching her nose as she laughed all joined.

"You ready?" My doctor asked as I nodded she placed the sonogram onto my stomach, and we all heard a small clapping noise. As we looked at the screen.

"What is that noise?" Jesse asked as I laughed at her.

"That's the baby heartbeat." Sonny told her holding our girls tide, smiling at me.

"Is that sore?" Billie asked as the doctor smiled at her

"Not at all. You wanna try." My doctor told giving her the sonogram. Billie placed it on her forehead.

"What do you see?" She asked as all burst out laughing. Even my doctor laughed pointing it to my stomach.

"You have a brilliant mind Billie." My doctor told her as Billie smiled at us, still laughing. She looked at me and placed a kiss on my cheek. I smiled at her and took her hair out of her face. 

"Put it on your mommy tummy, you both can try." She told I smiled as Billie smiled at me and placed it on my stomach, moving it around on my stomach, as Billie give it to Jesse, she tried as well. She placed it on my stomach and I watch her light up. She smiled at me, I smiled back at her.

"This is so cool." Jesse told smiling looking at my doctor as she smiled at her.

"Definitely, try this Jesse." My doctor told pointing to my lower abdomen for Jesse, Jesse looked at me and smiled as she placed it there. She placed it ontop of the baby."Move it around." She told Jesse and she did. We could here the heartbeat and something else with it, on the screen we could see something else.

"What is that?" Liv asked asking my question.

"That is the atomic fluid. Where the baby will move and once at labor your water. We don't usually show it, since there is no reason to be worry about, if you experience early labor or water breaking, then we usually show this. Yours is healthy just something for the kids." She told as we smiled, Sonny smiled at me, Jesse smiled at me as I smiled at her. She handed it back to my doctor smiling. We all giggled seeing them so happy.

After a while my doctor took it's again. And did what she needed. She showed us how the baby is laying and the growing process. So far we can see the legs and arms beginning to form.

I was so happy, I saw Sonny smiling at me, I smiled at him

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I was so happy, I saw Sonny smiling at me, I smiled at him. I saw Fin and Phoebe hugging each smiling, I saw Liv smiling at me, I smiled back at her.

My family all in one roof. My doctor smiled at me and closed me up, and went out I mouth "Thank you!" She smiled as she walked out.


A chart of how an unborn child grows.
Photos from Law and Order SVU
Season 21 episode 4
Ontop season 24 Episode 9

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