Page 35 : A Bonding Like A Treasure

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I was giving class when I saw a text. "No one not even your husband." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on Liv, I can't hide it from him." I texted back. "Fine, but nobody else."

"How about Fin?" I texted "Hell no, he will kill Stabler. I'll tell him later. " she texted and I nodded, he was angry at Stabler for leaving Liv, understandable.

I went back and gave my lecture, while I saw Waylen fast asleep in my surperior or head of schools arms. After 2 hours, of my students looking at my son and asking questions I was finished and drove home. 2 more hours then the girls are back since they have school activities to go to.

I fell asleep on the couch, I got woken up by a knock on the door. I stood up and there was Liv.

"Manda, did you eat?" She asked and I looked at my watch 15:30.

"No, I forgot. I felt asleep. Come in." I told as she walked with me to my kitchen.

"The girls?" She asked and I smiled

"Picking them up at 16:00, Jesse has cross-country and running while Billie has horseback riding classes."

"And you haven't eat?" She asked giving me a home-made pasta. "Go sit and eat." She demanded as I rolled my eyes and smile at her taking my plate and sit down, as she followed next to me.

"How is everything going?" I asked as she look at me.

"I'm great, I told them I have an appointment just Fin knew I came, but he couldn't come since he is next in charge." She told, I knew she wants to clear her head from work.

I was glad Liv is better, and that I'm there for her.

We were having fun when, I saw at the watched, then a text appeared from Dominick.

"I'm picking them up." I smiled back and showed a thumbs up.

"Now?" Liv asked smiling

"Sonny is picking the girls up from school." I told and she smiled

"Billie is six, she is doing horse riding classes?"

"She doesn't want to paint, or run like her sister of even chess." I mumbled looking at her laughing.

"While Jesse?"

"Jesse mide be almost ten, but running is all she wants. I'm happy that she enjoys it, while Billie loves being with the horses. They must do something at school twice a week and that is what they chosed."

"Noah chosed everytime dramatic classes and sometimes dancing when he gets time, he loves that." She told and I smiled

"Yeah, I say let them decide on what makes them happy." I told as she nodded smiling.

Suddenly I realized something, I looked at Liv in shock and surprised and also terrified but, actually very happy.

"What Manda?" She asked laughing

"Liv, so are you and Stabler tonight?" I yelled happily as her eyes light up.

"Really, yes?" She asked excitedly

"Well, I'm happy!" I told softly as she smiled at me.

"Amanda, since you and Sonny are happy and married, you know?" She asked gently, I smiled at that fought

"Manda?" She asked again and I blushed.

"What?" She asked smiling

"Liv, I'm so happy. He respects my options, my choices, my everything. When to rush things or slow things, I'm so happy, I never had any of that. Like few days ago we were in the moment, but actually there aren't any limits. It's something else." I smiled as she held me.

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