Page 4 : Worth risking

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Amanda Pov

"Are you late?" She asked out of the blue, and I nodded. I felt so weird discussing this. I just nodded looking down. I felt Liv squeezed my hand, I looked at her. Her smile was so gentle like a mother looking at her child.

"Any pain during... ?" She asked and I cut her off, I knew what she meant.

"Not at all." I told smiling

Just then I fought about Sonny he is actually the gently respecting person. Since he knows everything about me. Even my raped. He takes it gently with me and respect my feelings and when to stop. I love that about him so much, while Declan and Al, never knew, I couldn't discuss that with them but Sonny, I can.

"No, not at all." I confirmed again.

"You have a gentleman." She told and I nodded smiling as Liv smiled at me.

"You have a record of previous rape?" She asked and I swallow hard, Liv grab my hand tide. She knows, and was there, with the trail.

"Yes." I replied as she nodded.

"What symptoms did you experience first?" She asked and I continued "Nausea, throwing up and my husband told and Liv that my stomach is green, thirsty, dry mouth, heartbeat is a little more."

"Okay, I see that your first pregnancy was also a placental abruption?" She asked I nodded

"Your second was normal, just early?"

"Yes." I confirmed

"If the test are positive. We will be doing ultrasounds today, all of them is up to you as well?" She asked and I nodded. I had them with both of my girls, and I hated all of them.

"They will rule out an ectopic pregnancy or if the baby is laying rightly, if the baby is healthy and the first heartbeat, also any other problems that we can rule out early." She told I nodded, I'm glad she is taking this seriously.

They took blood test and so on. Liv stayed with me.

 Liv stayed with me

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Olivia Pov

"So Sonny, is taking care of you?" I asked happily as she smiled "You have no idea, he respect my feelings and when to stop. I love him so much." She told as I hugged her tide.

I'm so glad Sonny is taking care of her and respect her wishes. I know since he was always there for her, before since Jesse birth to Billie birth that's when I knew he does. In the squad room their bond was something else, and that time when they married, I was in heaven. I'm glad these two are together. Taking care of each and trough all Amanda has gone trough.

"I'm happy for you Amanda, to finally have someone by your side trough all you have gone trough."

"I have you as well." She told as I hugged her tide.

Just then she came back. I held Amanda's hand and she held mine.

Amanda Pov

"Congratulations Mrs Carisi, you are 6 weeks pregnant." She told and I felt Liv squeeze my hand I look up at her and she smiled. I cried, she embraced me.

"Liv, I'm pregnant." I cried happily as Liv hugged me. "I'm so happy for you Amanda."

"Mrs Carisi, you are suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), I will write you up with pills to help. If it continues you can have faint spells and will be admitted to hospital for your safety. It's just to see since you are in your 40th, to see if everything is going great, ultrasound if you are up to it, it will be done regularly till 16 weeks?" She told, I looked at Liv, she was right about (HG).

"Sure." I told worriedly I hope the baby is alright. I looked at Liv, she smiled at me.

"Manda, I can wait outside." Liv told walking out, I grabbed her hand.

"No, you stay. Please." I begged as she nodded.

"I can call Sonny." Liv told, I smiled at her.

"Sonny can be there for the rest, you are here now, and I want to surprise him." I told smiling as Liv nodded smiling at me.

The doctor got me ready and Liv stayed with me. I took her hand when they were ready.

"Mrs Carisi, you will feel a little uncomfortable." She told and I nodded. I closed my eyes, Liv tapped my arm with her free hand while her other hand is holding tide my hand the TVS ultrasound, this is uncomfortable.

I flinched when I felt it, I closed my eyes I must of squeezed Liv hand, I felt her grab stronger. My eyes opened to a small clapping noise. I looked at the monitor and saw a small blip.

"Is that?" I asked happily as Liv smiled at me.

"Yes, that's your baby. The clapping noise is the heartbeat."

"It's so strong?" Liv asked and I nodded happily

"You may feel a little more discomfort." She told and I nodded as I felt her move the probe. I just bit my downer lip when it stopped. "So far everything looks well and healthy. Congratulations." She told and printed a few photos as she released and put everything away. "I'll be right back." She told and left me to finish with Liv by my side.

I laid back and sighed. "And now?" Liv asked smiling letting go of my hand as I grabbed it.

"Please stay." I asked as Liv smiled "I'm right here Manda."

"How am I gonna tell Sonny?" I explained happily

"I believe it will follow." She told and I smiled at her. "Here." I told and handed her a photo of the ultrasound.

"Manda, I can't." She told and I smiled at her.

"You can and I have four more. It's a reminder for you that you were with me. And thank you." I told and stood up and got dressed. After a while the doctor came back with my medicine.

"Take this after each meal and this one before meal."

"Thank you." I told as she smiled

"Good luck, if any bleeding or pain occur. I'm here. And I'm glad your mother was here with you trough the test today." She told and I looked at Liv, she looked at me.

"Um..." I wanted to say but, Liv took my hand and continue. She was like a mother to me, and I loved her for that.

"I'm glad I was." Liv told and I smiled gently, I was happy she was. She is like a mom I never could have and we both leaved. I was so happy I talked Olivia out of that car. She just laughed and smiled at me the entire time.

She dropped me off at my house, just as I wanted to say goodbye, she embraced me in a hug and we stayed like that for a few minutes. "I'm so happy for you Amanda." She told and I grab her tide to me.


Photos from Law and Order SVU
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