Page 32 : Something else

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Amanda Pov

Liv gathered us some coffee and we just relaxed.

"What are you up to today Mrs Carisi?" Liv asked me as I chuckled

"Not much, just enjoying maternity I think. Then back to the kids and paperwork." I replied as she smirked

"Paper cut can be a bitch." She smirked as I laughed

"Definitely." I explained smiling

"How is Dominick?" She asked again, I smiled

"He is good, when I'm exhausted and struggling to wake at night, he takes over. I love that about him." I smiled seeing her smile

"He is a good husband, and father. I'm beyond blessed with him." I replied again seeing her smile

"Who knew you two would make it till the end." She told gently as I nodded.

"I'm also awestruck by that. I mean he was always there, with Jesse, Billie and me. I'm sometimes so an idiot I mean I didn't see that beforehand. I would've miss him wouldn't I?" I asked as she smiled

"I don't think so, when you gave birth to Billie, he told me he just wanted to see you happy. And look where you are and I'm so happy to see you happy Amanda."

"I'm very happy Liv."

"When I don't see you, he keeps me updated on you. He looks so well after you Amanda."

"He does, and also he keeps me updated on you and Fin as well." I explained smiling as she smiled at me.

"Are you ready for the courthouse?" She asked and I nodded.

"It's hard not to see you at all during work time, I enjoy and appreciate every minute I can get with you." Liv explained squeezing my shoulder.

"Me too Liv, me too." I explained as Liv got a call, she went to answer and I knew another case.

She laid off, and turn to me.

"Another case?" I asked as she sighed "Yes, and a bad one." She explained as I smiled standing up.

"I'll see you later Liv, I'm heading back and putting this one to bed." I told as she smiled walking to me giving me a hug.

"Good luck on that case, the one tonight, you know..." I explained as she laughed.

"Good luck on this little guy to sleep." She smirks and I laughed, as I walked out and got greetings as I entered the elevator and went back to my car, I placed Waylen into his chair and I climbed in and drove home.

I gently put Waylen in his bed and just went out of our room with the baby monitor and just relaxed on the sofa, watching TV and eating.


The next day, I had the court order.
I arrived at the court room with Sonny, luckily my mom took Waylen and the girls for the day. I was happy to focus on the case.

"Where is Liv?" I asked looking around for my best friend.

"Were struggling to get in contact with her, she will probably arrive before the court." Fin explained I nodded.

"You're ready..?" Sonny asked me, I nodded.

"Yes, just nervous what I would be asked, like your questions I know, just what the other judge is doing to ask me." I questioned

"You'll do fine Amanda." Fin told smiling.

"Manda, Fin! Sorry I'm late."

We turned around and saw Liv running to us.

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