Mizuki Akiyama x FEM!Reader

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I looked at the clock above the classroom door as it slowly ticked. I felt as if time slowed down and I started to feel more and more stressed. 'Where is Mizuki?' I thought. They were late for class again. The bell rang and I quickly grabbed my belongings and left.

"Mizuki, where the hell were you today?!" I whisper-shouted to the pink haired person on the other line. "Calm down. I was just shopping." Mizuki said. "Shopping?! There was a test today! You needed to be there!" I yelled. I looked around and saw lots of stares at me. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I said to them all, annoyed.

"Fine, if it makes you feel better then I can bring you with me tomorrow." Mizuki said. "Tomorrow is a school day! I can't just skip school." I said. "Why not?" Mizuki asked. "Because my parents would literally kill me." I tried to reason. "Don't you wanna hang out with me?" I could practically see Mizuki trying to use their puppy eyes on me. "Fine, just for tomorrow." I said, frustrated with the outcome of our conversation. "See you then!" Was all I heard before Mizuki hung up on me.

-Timeskip to tomorrow-

As I walked to Mizuki's house I felt a sudden nerve. 'What are my parents going to do if they found out? What if I'm missing like 20 assignments right now? Maybe I should just go to school.' I thought to myself. 'No, I promised Mizuki I'd hang out with them today. Wait, is this a date?' I blushed a little at the thought. No, it was just two friends going shopping. I saw Mizuki's house and ran towards it. I raised my hand and knocked on Mizuki's front door. The second and fist hit the door it opened to reveal Mizuki in short, pink, and ruffly dress.

 The second and fist hit the door it opened to reveal Mizuki in short, pink, and ruffly dress

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(Just imagine Mizuki wearing it)

I blushed a little because Mizuki looked so cute in that dress. "Umm, let's go?" I said, but it sounded more like a question. I held my hand out for Mizuki to grab and we both walked off, hand in hand. "You're so cute, Y/N!" Mizuki giggled. Mizuki stopped walking and moved both of their hands around my waist. "I forgot to take a picture earlier! Smile!" Mizuki said teasingly while sticking their tongue out. Before Mizuki could take the picture, I tilted my head and kissed their cheek. Mizuki touched their cheek with one of their hands before squealing. "You're so cute!"

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