WXS x Child!Reader (Req)

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"Big sis! Big sis! Look! Cotton candy!" Y/N said. "Yes, I see Y/N." Nene said. "Can we get some?" Y/N asked. Nene sighed and started walking over to the person making cotton candy.

Nene paused before speaking. "I-I, umm. My sibling wants cotton candy, please?" The person nodded their head and started making the cotton candy. "Y/N, can you grab my wallet from my back pocket?" Nene asked. Y/N stared blankly at Nene but complied.

Nene paid for the cotton candy and sped walked to the wonder stage. Y/n messily ate the cotton candy and somehow got it stuck to Nene's hair. "Nene-Chan! Who's that kid?!?" A loud voice asked.

Y/N looked up and saw a short, pink haired girl. "Hi little one!" The pink girl made a funny face to make Y/N laugh. "This is my sibling. Y/N, say hi to my friend, Emu." Nene said. "Hi!!" Y/N said excitedly.

"You're adorable!" Emu squealed as she gently took Y/N from Nene's hands. Both Emu and Y/N were giggling while Nene tried to get the cotton candy out of her hair. A few seconds pass and two blonde and purple haired males walked in.

"Oh? Is this your sibling, Nene?" The purple haired guy asked. "Yeah. Did you three come up with an idea yet?" Nene asked. The two males shook their head.

"Usually I'd come up with something by now but I can't think properly right now." The purple guy said. "Why?" Nene questioned. "Too much caffeine." "Working on another robot." Both males said at the same time.

Y/N quickly looked at the purple haired guy in excitement. "You make robots?!" The purple haired guy look at Y/N and smiled. "Yes. Do you like robots?" "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Y/N said excitedly.

The purple haired male looked at Nene. "Do you think your sibling might help us come up with an idea for our show?" Nene's eyes widened. "Yeah! Since Y/N is like, five or something, Y/N's idea is going to appeal to the kids more!" Emu said, putting Y/N down.

Nene glanced at Y/N and back at the others and sighed. "Fine." "Yay!" Emu hugged Nene. "Do you have any ideas kid?" The purple haired male asked, kneeling down to match Y/N's height. "Hmm. I think I have one!"


"Y/N, please sit here for the rest of the show." Emu said. Y/N nodded and sat down. A few minutes later, Tsukasa jumped onto the stage and posed with his fists in the air, as if he was going to fight someone. Emu back flipped and Rui rolled onto the stage and posed like they were about to fight.

Y/N's eyes widened in amazement of their movements. The group starting to 'walk' in a direction to find the bad guy that they were supposed to fight. "Leader! I found footsteps leading this way!" Emu yelled. "Good job, pink ranger!" (I couldn't think of any names).

RoboNene hopped onto the stage and said in a robotic voice, "Stop right there power rangers! You shall not stop me and my evil plans to take over the world!" "Purple ranger, pink ranger, and I, gold ranger, shall defeat you!" Tsukasa pointed his finger at RoboNene and grinned proudly. "Fufufu, but your outfit looks more yellow." Rui smirked.

Tsukasa paused and turned to Rui. "It. Is. Gold! Because I. Am. A star!" Tsukasa paused between every word to make an emphasis on him being a shining star. Tsukasa put his hands on his hips and turned back to RoboNene. "Prepare to fight!"

Everybody put their fists up and 'fought'. Tsukasa accidentally hit RoboNene's head and winced in pain. Emu and Rui both held in their laughs while RoboNene took it as a sign to fall over. "Oh no I was defeated." RoboNene's robotic voice made the situation much funnier than it should've. Y/N laughed and clapped at the end of their performance. Everyone else started to clap for their unintentional comedy show.

Nene peaked her head out from behind the curtain and smiled at Y/N. She walked towards Y/N. She put Y/N on her shoulders and walked back to the group. "Is your hand okay?" She asked. Tsukasa grinned as Rui finished bandaging his hand. "It's nothing that a star like me can't handle!" Y/N smiled and yawned into Nene's hair. "I'm gonna take Y/N home. Bye guys." She waved her friends goodbye and walked away.


Author's Note: Sorry for not posting this earlier. I know it's not the best oneshot but I hope you still liked it. Something happened in my life that caused me to not post for a while but I will make sure to update you all whenever I can.

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