Akito Shinonome x Fem!Reader

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This was supposed to be posted on White Day (March 14) but I was busy, sorry!
(3rd POV)

'Meet me at The Weekend Garage'. Y/N reread the note given to her and blinked in surprise. Who was this? Y/N thought. "Hey Y/N! What's that?" An came up behind Y/N and grabbed the note from her hands. An read it and laughed. "I think I know who gave you the note." An smiled.

"Who?" Y/N asked. An smiled wider and looked to the side. "I won't tell you." "Why?" "In fear of being beat up." An said, which caused Y/N to laugh. "Who would beat you up?" Y/N said in between giggles. "That's for me to know and you to find out! Now let's go before it's too late!" An pushed Y/N out the school building and headed towards The Weekend Garage.

The two girls walked into the cafe and looked around for people at their school. An spotted a familiar ginger and smirked. "Akito!" An called. "Huh?! Akito's here?!" Y/N blushed. Y/N had taken a liking to Akito but was always to nervous to confront him. Akito jolted up and sighed. He forgot An worked here.

"Go." An whispered. Y/N walked towards the booth that Akito was in. "Um hey." Y/N started. "How did you know it was me?" Akito asked. "I didn't, An made me come." Y/N said awkwardly. A few seconds later Akito realized that Y/N was still standing up. "Sit down." Y/N nodded and immediately sat down.

"So what would you two love birds like?" An said with a wink. She was now in her work uniform and smirked at how Y/N and Akito blushed. "I recommend the 'White Day Special'." "I guess I'll have that then." Y/N said. "Oh! It's actually a meal for two to share!" "Damn you." Akito grumbled under his breath. "Fine! We'll have it then!" Akito said, a little louder than what he wanted.

An walked away and Akita looked back at Y/N. "I actually liked you for a while. But I was too scared to tell you on Valentine's." Y/N admitted. "Well now that it's White Day, I guess I can confess to you." Akito said.

"So you like me back?" Y/N asked. "You're my favorite person to be around. Why wouldn't I have a crush on you?" Akito smiled. "So are we going to be like a thing now or..?" Y/N asked awkwardly. "Sure, why not." Akita smirked.

-(Extra Scene because I wanted to)-

An chuckled at the sight and took a picture of the new couple. "I am so sending this to Kohane." An smirked. "An!" The said girl jumped and almost dropped her phone. She looked back and saw her dad staring at her. "Hurry up before table 4's food gets cold!" An quickly grabbed the plates and ran to serve the table.

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