Mizuki Akiyama x Fem!Reader

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Trigger Warning: Gender dysphoria

I walked into my class and looked around at the people sitting in their chairs chatting. My eyes landed on someone with with short light pink hair. I walked up to them and sat next to them. They looked at me with wide eyes and continued to stare at me for a few seconds. I looked back at them and smiled.

"Hi what's your name?" I asked while holding my hand out. "Oh um, my name is Mizuki Akiyama!"  They said and shook my hand. They looked at me for a few more moments and smiled. "I love your hair! We should hang out sometime!" I said cheerfully. "Definitely!" Mizuki agreed.

After classes, my friends and I were walking out of the building to go hang out together. "Y/N wait up!" A familiar voice called out. My friends and I turned around to see Mizuki chasing after us. I heard two of my friends whispering to each other about Mizuki while my other friend was getting excited about how cute Mizuki looked. Mizuki looked at my friends and started to get nervous.

"Y/N do you want to go shopping with me after school?" Mizuki asked with stars in their eyes. I turned back to my friends. "We can hang out some other time." I shooed them away with my hand. I looked back at Mizuki and stuck out my hand again. "Are you coming or what?" Mizuki quickly grabbed my hands and locked their fingers with mine. I chuckled a little at their actions.

When we got to the mall I noticed Mizuki immediately going to look at some cute dresses. "Y/N! Look at these! Aren't they cute?" Mizuki asked while picking two dresses up from their hanger. I nodded my head and looked around the store. I saw that the store was full of lots of dresses and aesthetic outfits.

"Do you like this stuff?" I asked. "Well duh! It's not like I'm forced to come here." Mizuki playfully rolled their eyes at me. Despite Mizuki saying that like it was nothing I could sense sadness in their sentence. "Is that why everyone thinks of you weirdly?" I asked.

Mizuki sighed and looked down at the dresses in their hands. 'Omg why do I always say the worst things at the worst times' I mentally facepalmed. "I'm sorry I didn't-" "Do you think I'm weird too? I mean, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen so I understand if you do." They asked quietly.

I looked at them shocked. "No! Of course not!" Mizuki looked at me and smiled. "Well let's pay for these dresses then." Mizuki said with a wink. Mizuki walked away to the cashier and paid for the dresses they wanted. We walked out of the store and went to many other stores in the mall.

On the way out of the mall Mizuki grabbed my hand. "Can I walk you home?" They asked. I nodded my head and tightened my grip onto the two bags in my other hand. While we were walking home Mizuki just stared at my face. "Are you naturally beautiful or are you wearing makeup?" They asked. "Eh? What makes you think I'm wearing makeup?" Mizuki just shrugged their shoulders in response.

We made it to my house and I turned to Mizuki. "Well, this is my house." I started. I looked away at my house. "See you tomorrow?" "Questionable." "What?" "Nothing. Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" Mizuki asked. "Sure! It's a date then!" I smiled and walked into my house. I looked out the window to see Mizuki covering their mouth while blushing like a tomato. I chuckled and walked away.

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