Mizuki Akiyama x Reader x Rui Kamishiro (Req)

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Trigger Warning: Misgendering Mizuki

N/N = Nickname

You ran towards Mizuki, wrapped your arms around their waist, and twirled them around. "Hey Mizuki!" They laughed and hugged me. "Hey N/N! Oh, hey Rui!" Mizuki noticed Rui trailing behind you. Rui smiled and waved.

"Are you busy right now? Did you want to watch movies with Me and Rui? Do you want to go on a date?" You bombarded Mizuki with questions. "Sure! A movie date sounds cute!" Mizuki held both yours and Rui's hands as you all walked to a nearby movie theater.

When buying the tickets, a random guy walked towards Mizuki. "Hey cutie. Are you here by yourself?" Mizuki leaned towards you and Rui in disgust. "No, I'm with these two." "Well you should ditch them because I'm hotter and better."

"No you're not. Don't think that you're better then everyone else because of your huge ego. Don't come near us again." Rui threatened. The man ignored Rui and tried to grab Mizuki's arm. Rui smacked his hand and pushed Mizuki behind him.

"Just let me 'talk' to her in private and I'll let you be." Something inside you snapped when the man misgendered Mizuki. "No! Do not misgender my significant other!" You put your fists up in a fighting motion.

A staff member came by and asked what was happening. Rui explained the situation while the man was trying to sneak away. The staff member eventually banned the man from entering the movie theater. Mizuki sighed as they put their head on your shoulder.

"Sorry that you guys had to deal with that." You started to pat their head in a comforting way. "It's okay! That guy deserved to get kicked out from the moment he walked towards you." "It's alright now. Let's just watch the movie to take our mind off that." Rui said.

During the movie, Mizuki and Rui held your hands. It was a small but sweet gesture. Mizuki leaned their head on your shoulder. While staring at the movie screen Mizuki whispered, "I love you guys." "I love you too." You whispered, slightly louder. Half the theater started to shush you which made you annoyed and confused. "Wha-" Mizuki and Rui attempted to hold their laughter.

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