Ichika x GN!Reader (Req)

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Italic Font=thoughts

The sound of a guitar slowly faded out as Ichika finished her cover of a song, probably Miku but you weren't sure since you never really listened to that kind of music. "(Name)? (Name)!" Ichika's voice called out. (Name) quickly turned back to her and blinked in surprise, not realizing Ichika was talking to them. "Yes?" "You're spacing out again. You weren't even paying attention to the song." Ichika tapped her guitar as she noticed (Name) staring at her, still in a daze.

"Are you okay?" (Name) asked to break the awkward silence. "Eh?! Shouldn't I be asking you that?!" Ichika said in confusion and placed the back of her hand on their forehead. "You're hot." "Thank you." (Name) said calmly as Ichika paused at what they said. "That's..not what I meant." "Oh."


"(Name) are you sure you're feeling alright?" Ichika glanced at them again as they were both walking on the streets. Ichika decided to walk (Name) back home since she forced them to watch her play. "Yes I'm fine. Just tired." (Name) squinted as the sun went into their eyes and temporarily blinded them. "That's what you've been saying all week. Y'know I'm really worried for you." Ichika's voice faded out of (Name)'s hearing as they continued to walk across the street. As (Name) closed their eyes for a brief second they felt arms forcefully yank them back.

(Name) quickly stared at Ichika with wide eyes. "You almost got run over! Please pay more attention!" Ichika whined yet was clearly worried for them. "Tired.." (Name) mumbled and rested their head on her shoulder. "Huh?" Ichika's words were cut short again as (Name) fell asleep on top of her. Ichika sighed as she struggled to drag them out of the road. Once on the sidewalk she decided to call Tsukasa since he dealt with somewhat similar situations before with his sister.

(Ichika POV)

"Im so sorry (Name). I promise I'll take care of you. Please be okay.." I stared at (Name)'s unconscious body. They were still breathing and alive, just tired. I glanced at Tsukasa who was putting (Name) in bed and placing an ice pack on their head. "Thank you.." I said and Tsukasa turned back to me. "Don't worry. As a future star it's always great to take care of others!" Tsukasa said loudly, making me deadpan at him. "Well that moment of quiet was cut short." "(Name) is okay though. They're just sleeping." Tsukasa said in a more softer tone before walking to the doorway. "I'll let you take care of them. Call me if you need help." Tsukasa said before walking out.

I turn back to (Name) and walk over to gently hold their hand in their sleep. I noticed a few random things scattered throughout their room, like multiple empty energy drink cans and a bunch of scribbled out messages on their notes. It kind of looked like something out of a horror movie. I stared back at them before slowly crawling into their bed and wrapping my arms around them. "Don't worry (Name)..I'll help you. I'll keep you safe. I love you.."


Author's Note: Sorry for kinda making it angst
I guess my mental stability and whatever the heck is going on in my head is affecting my writing but don't worry the rest of my writing won't be as depressing! Probably. Hopefully.
Erm anyways I hope you all have a nice day/night and take care of yourself!

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