An Shiraishi x Kohane Azusawa

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(3rd Person POV)

An walked out of her school building with Akito and Toya following close behind. "Guys let's hurry! We don't have much time to practice today so we have to work extra hard!" An exclaimed. "Yeah yeah. We just need to get your girlfriend so we can start." Akito rolled his eyes. "She's not my girlfriend! At least not yet." An mumbled the last part to herself but Toya heard. "Why not just tell her?" He asked. "Tell her what?" "Your feelings." An blushed and looked away. "I'll do that when we surpass RAD WEEKEND." An said shyly.

As the trio made it to Kohane's school they saw said person sitting on a bench waiting for them. "Kohane!" An yelled while waving her hands in the air to get Kohane's attention. Kohane looked up at An and smiled softly. "Hey An-Chan!" Kohane said as waved a little. "Hello to you guys too." She said when she noticed Akito and Toya behind An. An wrapped her arms around Kohane and pulled her into a hug. "Are you ready to practice?" An questioned. "Of course! I want to work harder to help you guys surpass RAD WEEKEND!" Kohane exclaimed. "Alright then, let's go you two." Akito said annoyed.

After they finished practicing Akito walked Toya home and left An alone with Kohane. Kohane stumbled to a nearby bench. "We practiced so much I can't even feel my legs." Kohane sighed. "But it'll be worth it once we surpass RAD WEEKEND!" An said cheerfully. An handed Kohane one of the water bottles she was carrying. "I suppose so." Kohane said before she drank half the bottle in seconds. An looked at the floor and looked back at Kohane. "So do you want to come by the Weekend Garage with me?" An asked while looking away. "Sure!" Kohane said.

As An and Kohane were walking to the Weekend Garage An moved her hand to hold Kohane's. Kohane looked at An but noticed she didn't even look her direction. Once they made it to the Weekend Garage An opened the door for Kohane. An greeted her father and Kohane sat down in her usual spot. "I'll be back in a few." An said with a wink.

A few minutes later An came back with Kohane's favorite food. Kohane's calm face turned into a a surprised one. "An-Chan! W-what's the occasion?" Kohane asked shyly. "Oh it's nothing! Just trying to surprise you." An said while rubbing her neck. An sat down across from Kohane and watched as she ate the food she was served. 'You can do this. It's not like this'll change anything.' An thought. An opened her mouth to say something but immediately closed it.

'Nope, it'll change everything about us.' An thought. An sighed and caught the attention of Kohane. "Is something wrong?"  Kohane asked. "No everything's fine. I just..I have something to say to you." An said. An took a deep breath before sharing her thoughts. "I really like you. More than a friend. And I want us to be together whether that be singing partners or significant others." An said. Kohane blushed and started choking on her food. "E-eh? You like me too?" Kohane asked.

"Of course I do! Wait, too?" "An-Chan, I have a crush on you too! I'd love to be more than friends." Kohane said while blushing. "So are we a thing now?" Kohane asked. "Yes! Of course! I love you Kohane!" An cheered. Little did they know, behind the counter was An's dad watching the whole scene unfold. Ken smiled softly at the sight of her daughter and walked away to wash the dishes.

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