~ We did it for love ~

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Narrator's Pov

High in the heavens was a man, not just any man. Philza Minecraft, the well-known "angel of death" was flying quietly, he used to be alone most of the time and that didn't bother him, in fact, he enjoyed solitude.

It was a normal day, he was looking for a new place to settle since he did not stay in one place for a long time, however, there was something on that day that was different, he didn't know what, but it was.

Lost in his own peace, he did not realize that a figure was rising into the clouds where he was, it was until he felt observed that he turned around, Believing there was a threat, he drew his sword, but froze when he saw who was in front of him.

?: Oh my, sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.

Philza: ah.. No- don't worry, I had no idea you were here

?: I'm sure you already know who I am, but let me introduce myself, my name is Kristin, the goddess of death.

Philza: I know... My name is Philza Minecraft

Kristin: Angel of death, may I ask what brings you here?

Philza: I'm looking for a new home... How about you?

Kristin: I just needed to get out of the Underworld for a moment... The souls that arrive don't give me that much work and I thought it would be a good time to fly for a while

The goddess of death, in the eyes of Philza, she possessed a unique beauty, worthy of a goddess, for a long time the man was the closest thing to a loyal servant, since both were directly related to death itself, He was the only one the goddess could touch without dying, the reason was unknown, but she felt lucky to find someone who could be close.

Philza: will it be too much if I ask you to come with me? Heaven is big enough for both of us

Kristin: *giggle* I would love to

That was how a unique love story began, they saw each other at times, the moments turned into days, the days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months and the months turned into years, no one had any idea how a man who looked simple and calm won the heart of a goddess, but that was his secret, Philza remained what he was and, as soon as he had the woman's heart, woe to the one who dared to harm him

Kristin would shrink to a more conventional size from time to time, yes, she was a huge woman, compared to a giant on many occasions, but she didn't mind, In her more "human" size it was easier for her to talk to the winged man, centuries could go by and still, neither could get bored of the other even if they tried, Kristin had become Phil's world, and Philza had become Kristin's.

A few years passed and they were married, there was a topic they had to talk about but neither knew how until the man decided to stop avoiding it and sit down, it was important, so much so that he would be able to go down to the Underworld itself just to have "that" conversation

Kristin: Phil... We both know we can't have kids in a... Conventional way.

Philza: I know... But we both want a family, right? How will that be possible then?

Kristin: we can have children but... there is a price to pay

Philza: another one? Love, you know that there is nothing that I would not do for you, but what else should we give up for our happiness?

Kristin: I still don't think it's fair that you've thrown away two of your three lives, I don't like that you're the one who has to pay more for something that belongs to both of us, but-

Philza: *takes her hand* Kristin... I'm not saying this as a claim, I knew what I was going to face if I wanted to be with you, what bothers me is seeing you hurt for something that I already expected, what is the price?

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