~ Injustice ~

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Ghostbur: I can't believe I'm seriously doing this for him... He's my brother's friend but- ugh, it's Dream

Tommy: father....

Kristin: oh this is serious

Tommy: are you... Are you proud of Wilbur?

Philza: You'll have to be more specific mate, there are actions that he committed that I do not approve of.

Tommy:when he destroyed Manberg... What he wants to do to others now...

Philza: Proud of him for destroying the faction? Hell yeah I hate this place. For manipulating these people? Tommy if I'm being honest I couldn't care less about them


Punz: Why did you want to see me? It's to support the Eggpire, right? I knew you would reconsider-

Dream: shut up, Drista

Drista: got it, you will feel a sting, pal

- Narrator -

Punz was imprisoned by Drista's ropes and slowly began to free the mercenary's mind, yes, Drista was considerably more powerful than Dream but didn't do much in the SMP, as she made it clear to Tubbo, she will only step in when necessary. All the energy that Punz kept from The Egg was removed in a short time and the boy was so weak that Dream had to carry him before he fell to the ground unconscious

Punz was on a spy mission when he arrived at the Eggpire, he happened to be present when The Egg was released by BadboyHalo and Skeppy, what this released was so powerful that it ended up controlling everyone who was present and yes, Punz included. Dream, not receiving news from him, took action on the matter by keeping his distance and carefully watching the members of the Eggpire, which brings us to this moment in which Dream asked Drista for help in freeing his friend from the control of The Egg.

Drista: Get them on your side, this wasn't just a simple favor

Dream: I know... Thanks Drista

Drista: you still have to apologize to Mexican

Dream: yeah, yeah, later...let's go home dude...


Kristin: remember, give me time, I must arrive with your brother

Ghostbur: sure... I don't understand how you could make a deal with Dream

Kristin: He is more than what you see son, you'll understand one day

Ghostbur: I hope you're right... I'm in front of his cabin, I have to go

Kristin: I'll be there in no time, I'll see you later

Ghostbur: alright...


Philza: Kris, just tell me

Kristin: I'll be back soon, don't worry, I'll tell you where I went when I get back

Philza: It's still weird, you know what the Butcher army has done, they're not too far from our house

Kristin: Just don't give them any kind of information, I promise I'll be fine dear

Philza: ... *Sighs* fine, but be careful

Kristin: I will, Tommy went to the SMP with Eret, I'll pick him up on the way home

While Kristin was leaving her home, the Butcher army was heading to Nikki's house where the pink-haired girl was reading until she heard how her door was forced open. The German quickly went down and saw the group entering as if nothing had happened, a stupefied expression formed on her face and she began to reproach them for having broken her door

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