~ One wrong step and you'll fall again ~

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Philza woke up in the Underworld, he was apparently lying down and blinked trying to react correctly, when he got up he saw Kristin in front of him, she seemed worried. He couldn't remember anything, he was supposed to be arguing with DreamXD so how did he get there?

Philza: K-kris? What happened?

Kristin: ... The Egg, that happened

Philza: I don't understand... I had- I had a very strange dream and... And I thought that a few moments ago I was in front of DreamXD-

Kristin: It wasn't a dream... DreamXD used The Egg to control you

Philza: but you stopped him

Kristin: Phil...

Philza: You- you stopped him right?! You- .... You know they used that thing for me

Kristin: I know

Philza: You know I'm unstable!

Kristin: I already know that! ...there was no other way

Philza: .... How long has it been?

Kristin: Phil please-

Philza: How long, Death?

Kristin: ... fifty thousand years

Philza: [gasp] I- I- ... I have to go

Fifty thousand years being used as a container for The Egg, fifty thousand years being nothing more than an empty shell, a being without conscience that blindly followed orders, fifty thousand years in which he lost himself. Kristin could release him at any time, she could have helped him but she didn't... She didn't.

Now in the present, Philza and Ranboo woke up in The End, there were several endermen walking but one figure in particular stood out, it was large, with majestic wings and accompanied by a much smaller being, the Queen of the End, the Ender Dragon and her little prince, Ranboo

Ranboo: Will I become as huge as you, mother?

- One day, maybe... In the far distant future

Ranboo: ... Do you think it will be possible for me to explore the world above?

- We shouldn't go there, our people are right here.

Ranboo: But I will be brave! I promise

- hm, to be brave you have to be responsible... You should be taking your lessons, instead of avoiding them with me

Philza: huh... Don't you remember any of this?

Ranboo: I wish it were, I really don't remember being here

Philza: So you are a prince of the End... You keep surprising me Boo

Ranboo: Look

Little Ranboo began to chat to himself, at least that's how it seemed until a blond boy with green eyes and lots of freckles stood behind him, They didn't seem to have the intention of turning to see the other, they couldn't touch each other either, it was just back to back, Philza recognized the other child, it was Dream but younger

Ranboo: So... Eh-

Dream: Clay

Ranboo: yes.... How- how was today?

Clay: Well nobody yelled at me and they still don't know I've been talking to you

Ranboo: ... Is it fun to be there? You- you want to be the king right?

Clay: No and no... I don't want to do any of this, I want to have a simpler life... I feel like a puppet

Ranboo: oh...

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