~ Pure of heart ~

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Narrator's Pov

Five years have passed since Tommy's creation, the twins were already 15 years old and Techno had clearly matured drastically, Wilbur was also quite mature for his age but they couldn't help it, children of a goddess and the angel of death, forced to live isolated, or well... Almost

The family was eating, Kristin loved every moment with her children and, although they enjoyed it too, they couldn't help but feel weird seeing how Tommy had the opportunity to grow up with his mother, the little boy was noticeably more cheerful than both of them when they were children, and even Philza noticed that

Technoblade got his abilities when he turned 14, voices in his head that demanded certain things from time to time, voices that advised him and the occasional voice that was useless, there was also another thing that he had learned as a child, he could create a pig mask, it only covered his eyes but it was useful for some reason

Wilbur, on the other hand, knew about these voices, sometimes they didn't even let him sleep, the connection he has with his brother is unique, yes, but even for him what he could hear was very annoying.

Philza: you're leaving so soon?

Wilbur: we told Dream that we would meet him with the rest and that... Well, he did

Technoblade: It's not my fault you'd rather be writing and shooting arrows Wilbur

Wilbur: I'll go practice with my guitar, tell them to not to bother on inviting me again

Technoblade: again with this?

Wilbur: they almost took one of my lifes Techno!, In what world is that "fun"?

Kristin: they almost did what?!

Wilbur: Say whatever you want "Blade" but they are not a good influence.... I can't believe that they talked about Tommy on that way

Technoblade: I got mad about that too, not everyone are pacifists Wilbur, get used to it

Wilbur: You are a-

Tommy: are you going to fight again...? Wilby... Techie...

Technoblade: ... I'll be right back

Wilbur: ah, yes, he's going hunting again, the "Blood god" needs blood

Technoblade: You have better ways to handle this? No, stay out of my business *leaves*

Wilbur: *sighs*

Philza: son...

Wilbur: shit

Philza: we need to talk, now

Dream, Sapnap and George, were some boys that the twins had met, Tommy had no idea who they were as both had strictly told the boy not to approach any of them. The three of them, like them, had been created... In a peculiar way

Sapnap was born in the Nether, in the lava and thanks to a Blaze specifically, George was born in nature, in a mushroom and Dream was created from the pure energy of DreamXD, He was placed in Puffy's care, she raised the boy as her own along with her other children, Sam and Foolish.

Tommy: Wilbur....

Wilbur: Tommy I think that it would be the best if you could go to your room, I'll go with you in a minute

Tommy: b-but-

Wilbur: pleass... I promise that we'll hang out if you do this, okay?

Tommy: ... Okay....

Wilbur: what do you want to know?

Kristin: besides everything, What was that? I know you and your brother's relationship is getting tense but-

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