~ Haven't I given enough? ~

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Philza's Pov

I really didn't think this is how my sons' lives would go... Techno starts to get sick of his voices or can't control them Wilbur left because he didn't want to be with us anymore, Tommy changed too much by going to L'Manburg... Kristin hasn't come back yet... I want to make this right for everyone, I want to take care of my family but it's starting to fall apart.

A red flame appeared leaving a note on the table, it was from Tommy, lately his ability has been more evident

"Talk to Techno, Wilbur and I can hear the voices from here, is he okay? Are you okay? Wilbur says hello


Philza: this kid... If they can hear Techno from there, then whatever that's happening to him is very strong

I went up to my son's room and it seemed that he was not having a good day, sometimes the voices are calmer but this time they were more demanding, at the beginning, when Techno was fourteen and he told me that he was hearing things, I thought it was because his hearing had sharpened... I wish it had been that

Philza: son...



"Protect Phil"


Technoblade: *sighs*... What is it?

Philza: is everything okay? Tommy and Wilbur are worried

Technoblade: worried? Agh!... They haven't appeard in a whole year

Philza: Tommy wrote a note, they can hear your voices... What are they asking for?


"We want blood!"


"Phil's blood!"

Technoblade: the usual...

Philza: hm... Come with me

Technoblade: why?

Philza: obbey.

Technoblade: ...

We went outside, to the training area, on several occasions the voices give him a headache so I try to calm them down like this, there are other quieter ways like harvesting potatoes, fishing, lately Techno has been interested in mythology and astrology, he is already a god but he wants to learn about other gods, Egyptians, Greek, Nordic, etc.

Technoblade: Phil, the voices won't stop until they have blood...

Philza: I know, Who's blood do they want?

Technoblade: right now.. some of them are demanding yours

Philza: well, if this doesn't calm them we can always go fishing, seems to be the most efficient

Technoblade: sure...

Narrator's Pov

Both men started with the training, although now instead of wooden weapons, they used stone or iron, on one occasion, Philza and Techno practiced with diamond and netherite, bad idea,they earned some deep cuts so they agreed not to use these materials unless they are training solo

Both Technoblade and Philza were strong, resistant and skilled, Philza is an immortal being, therefore, the years of practice and the battles he has fought are obvious when training and are more evident on the battlefield, Technoblade was in the same situation, he left for months on several occasions to help those who needed help, he was not a merciful god, that was not his reputation, he valued loyalty and those who betrayed him paid with their injustice with blood, that is why the god became well known

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