~ More than meets the eye ~

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For some reason, Tommy found himself having to speed towards New L'Manburg crater in the middle of the night. The quickest way was to go through Snowchester but he risked being seen, yes, hybrids were common, but let's just say that having the appearance of a demon didn't help him much

He crossed anyway through the village even though there were still people in the snowy streets, he didn't know what was happening, He just knew that he had to get to that destroyed faction, he bumped into someone on the way and oh my... Fate really hates him

Tommy: Hey, I'm passing- you have got to be kidding me

Tubbo: What are you doing here?

Tommy: That question is more for you, don't you think?

Tubbo: ... I needed fresh air... Now answer, it looks like you just came from a marathon

Tommy: Something's going on... Look, I know it's not the best time but I need someone to come with me, and you're the only person here.

Tubbo: Hm, I'm not sure, I don't usually hang out with people who pointed crossbows at me

Tommy: It was only once, don't start crying

Tubbo: What the hell you want?

Tommy: I must go to New L'Manburg... What? Come on, it'll be fun, the "clingy duo" united once again

Tubbo: Don't even think I'm going to help you, I left there hours ago

Tommy: Just do this for me and I'll stop bothering you, what do you say?

Tubbo: ..... *sigh* just for this occasion

Tommy: That's the Tubbo I know! hold on tight

Tubbo: what- AHH!

Tommy held onto Tubbo to fly them out of Snowchester and reach New L'Manburg in no time, he was already in a hurry, they reached the glass floor that was laid by Foolish, they noticed someone else was there with them

Tommy: Ranboo? I thought you were- you shouldn't be here

Ranboo: I think it was my enderwalk... I don't control it and... I found Friend

Tubbo: Huh, I almost forgot about him... Hi

Ranboo: ... Hey

Tommy: Do you have any idea why we are here?

Ranboo: I was hoping you could answer that...

Tubbo: guys... The monument...

A monument that was quickly improvised for Wilbur created a beacon of light, Tubbo, Ranboo and Tommy ran towards it until the light ceased... And before they could even move the stones that were in their way, they received a message on their communicators.

"Wilbur Soot has re-joined

♡ ♡ 💔"

Tommy wasted no time and began to remove the stones that were in the middle, Ranboo helped him and Tubbo couldn't stop watching his communicator, he wasn't supposed to come back... How the hell had that lunatic managed it? He helped the two men and they reached the monument located in what used to be the button room. There was Wilbur now, not Ghostbur, Wilbur Soot

His once blue eyes were now ruby ​​red, he had seams all over his body but the most noticeable was one on his face starting from a little past the middle of his face and ending at the opposite side of his face, He was wearing glasses for some reason, he still had his brown jacket now with a white band stained with blood, his mustard sweater or shirt was exactly the same, a wine red beanie, fingerless gloves and his emerald, there was a white streak in his brown hair just like Tommy's

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