~ Like father like son ~

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Time sure flies by, another month passed and now we find ourselves with a shocked Tubbo and a nervous Ranboo at their mansion in Snowchester, what had happened? Well... What hadn't happened? On their opportune trip to the Nether, they heard the cry of a little boy, they decided to follow the crying and found a little piglin no more than two years old near what seemed to be the corpses of his parents.

They didn't really know how to take care of a child, so as best they could they built a little home for him near their portal so they could watch him for a while, give him some food and go home, Simple right? Of course not, now they both lived with the constant worry of what could be happening to the child if they didn't have him close.

Tubbo was going out to ask for advice, he couldn't count on Quackity because no one knew his location, he knew firsthand what a bad father Wilbur was, in Fundy's words of course, Puffy didn't seem like someone he could get close to and BadboyHalo and Skeppy were being controlled by The Egg, so... Yes, he had to go on his knees with Philza Minecraft

Before he could even tell Ranboo he was going to leave, he saw him rush out the door, leaving him clearly disgruntled, someone had to watch the boy until the other returned. The members of The Syndicate met once or twice but for casual reasons, now it was time for a real meeting and apparently that was now inconvenient.

Tubbo: Ranboo- agh... I can't stay

Ranboo: This is urgent... I can't postpone it

Tubbo: I won't be long-

Ranboo: Tubbo... Please take it as a good thing, maybe you can continue your experimentation... I'll make it up to you, but I really have to go now.

Tubbo: . . . . . Okay, go, I'll see what to do

The enderman teleported to one of the passages that led to the meeting room, on the way he ran into Nikki while Philza and Technoblade were already waiting for them, the crow noticed the concern in the enderman and approached him before starting the meeting. Someone must have watched Tubbo too

Philza: is everything alright?

Ranboo: I think I'm going to get into a fight with Tubbo

Philza: ah, marital problems?

Ranboo: ... Not quite ...

Philza: hm, stay after the meeting, you can tell me what you need

Ranboo: thanks Phil...

Philza: no problem mate


Protesilaus: Well Nemesis, tell us why you called us to the meeting today.

Nemesis: It's about Quackity's whereabouts, I saw him a week ago and I sent someone to investigate him... He was... Relatively close to my lands

Zephyrus: How close?

Nemesis: He seemed to be exploring, looking for something specific I think... He was following a trail, but that's not all. Rumors of another new faction with only its founder are true, Quackity is starting a new faction

Lethe: How is this going to affect us or our plans?

Nemesis: Because his faction is located in a beach or desert area a few kilometers from the L'Manburg crater, he's planning something Big... He wants to surpass everything that exists... And he recently heard about the Revival Book

Zephyrus: say that again

Lethe: No one other than Dream and the goddess of death know about the Revival Book, it seems impossible to me that he knew about it without spying.

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