~ Survivors ~

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Ranboo was walking through the frozen biome in which he was, a storm had started and despite the fact that for now it was only a blizzard and some snow, a week had passed since the destruction of New L'Manburg, a week during which the enderman had been wandering aimlessly and taking cold caves or deep ravines as his refuge to continue his journey.

His hands were already very cold, his legs were unresponsive, his breathing was weak and his eyes felt indescribably heavy, his body did not stop trembling but even so he continued walking a few steps until he heard a horse, he called for help but he was so weak that when trying to get the attention of the unknown horseman he fell to the ground

He remained in a fetal position trying to keep the little amount of heat he had left and eventually closed his eyes succumbing to the cold, but the horseman had seen him, it took him a while to get to the enderman but he took him in his arms, put him on his horse and they headed home.

Technoblade: Hang in there Ranboo, I'll take you home... Tommy

Tommy: where the fuck are you? There's a strong as fuck storm about to start

Technoblade: I know, my hunt made me take a little longer, start making tea or something, I found someone

Tommy: Who? I don't think Phil and Mom will let you in with any random guy you find in the snow.

Technoblade: It's Ranboo, he's unconscious and freezing to death

Tommy: .... I'm going to hurry

The first thing Dream saw while he was getting ready to go to a new shelter was Technoblade carrying an unconscious and frozen Ranboo inside the cabin while Tommy was preparing something for when the enderman woke up. They placed him in the couch and wrapped him with some blankets to give him heat

Tommy: Techno, he's not breathing

Technoblade: I know that...

Dream: Have you done compressions before?

Technoblade: ... It's not really my thing, no

Dream: Tommy...

Tommy: do I look like a doctor?

Dream: *Sighs* step aside... Alright creature, work with me...

Tommy: Why don't you just use your magic?

Technoblade: because he's not dead

Dream: would you shut up?! Be thankful that i'm trying something

Technoblade: .... Dream

Dream: what?

The god looked at the masked man for a moment, he knew that look, some time ago they tried to do an act that was forbidden by every god, but there was no other hope for Ranboo... In the end, he was born there

Dream: ... No, oh no, not a change, we- Phil already stood up for us but I don't think that-

Technoblade: Ranboo is from there

Dream: The End is strictly forbidden, not even your mother has interacted with it

Technoblade: but she knows the queen

Dream: it's not the same

Tommy: What the hell are you talking about?

Dream: not now devil

Tommy: hey! Just because I can't hide my ability anymore doesn't mean that you get to make fun of me, it's not my fault you're not as pog as I am

Technoblade: oh stars...

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