~ The Other Side ~

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"Don't you wanna get away to a whole new part you get to play?"

Quackity was next to Slime who still hadn't woken up from that strange coma he was put into, he had been like this for 3 and a half weeks. He had been writing books about what his life was like before he died in case he wasn't there when he woke up, sometimes he just went there to "chat", although he knew inside that he was speaking to absolute nothingness

Quackity: You know? There is something that only one person and I know about each other... It was quite a while ago and you probably already know it... But I would love to tell you my point of view on all that

No one answered, Slime was still inert.

Quackity: The Pogtopia Revolution against Manberg was still relatively young, I remember how it was when I joined the rebels... [chuckles] Now that I think about it, I never stayed on one side, I followed the cause in which I believed the most, that's how it was with the Great War and the Revolution...

Total silence ....

Quackity: I joined Pogtopia the same day as Fundy... After Tubbo's execution I... I decided to face Schlatt




Quackity: I'm sick of you. This ends here and now

Jschlatt: And what will you do to me, sugar pumpkin? You are not capable of hurting me, you're weak

Quackity: try me

Jschlatt: Well... Let's see what you got

Nothing went right.

Quackity ended up more hurt than he thought and Eret ended up taking him with Wilbur to Pogtopia, they managed to clarify some things there and Fundy came out of hiding joining the rebels like in the old days, Technoblade was close to Niki, that was obvious, but it seemed like they had been talking for a long time.

Technoblade was given the task of training Niki, Fundy and Quackity as they were new recruits, the duck had to get used to Dream's recurring visits and see how him and Tommy fought, now that he noticed, Tommy argued a lot with Wilbur and recently had disagreements with Tubbo. He looked like he was trying to push away anyone who knew him.

Technoblade: everything alright?

Quackity: eh- yeah, I eh- ...

Technoblade: ... Come with me

Quackity: you want me to- why?

Technoblade: I have a good feeling about you Quackity. Now come on, we don't want the others to run out of fire

Quackity: Sure, the- the firewood

Already in the forest, Quackity noticed how the night seemed the only thing that existed in Pogtopia, at night Jschlatt used to hit him, but Technoblade was calmed by the night, it gave him peace to see the sky, all the mysteries up there, he couldn't wait to discover them all. Quackity looked distracted, since he had arrived that's how it was, he had to help him focus again

Technoblade: I know this is unexpected, but I didn't come all the way here with you just to get some firewood.

Quackity: I noticed...

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