~ Theseus ~

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Narrator's Pov

The blood god was walking through the forest, it had only been a few days since Nikki's pastry was stolen, as he was walking trying to ignore the voices, he saw the girl with a bow and arrow outside Connor's house. He decided to get closer to her since it was still dangerous for her to be away after the way she dared to go against Jschlatt.

Technoblade: what was your name again?

Nikki: Nikki, Nihachu

Technoblade: Nikki Nihachu?

Nikki: no, Nihachu is my name.... Nikki is a nickname

Technoblade: right... What are you doing outside Connor's place?

Nikki: i'm hunting, he said he doesn't do it because he's susceptible to-

Technoblade: accidents, I know, he told me... I'm going to accompany you

Nikki: you don't have to

Technoblade: I actually do, so let's get going

Nikki: You wanna come in? Connor said he would be back in a week

Technoblade: ... Sure

Nikki: I can make tea or coffee, there are cookies too if you like

Technoblade: some tea would be nice

Nikki: great, Have you tried linden tea?

Technoblade: not really

Nikki: I think I can make you one, it helps with stress

. . . . . .

Nikki: here! I think you'll like it

Technoblade: thanks...

Nikki: .... Do you... You want to talk about something?

Technoblade: why the question?

Nikki: Because you showed up here and it's nine at night

Technoblade: I didn't know where else to go...

Nikki: .... How are Wilbur and Tommy doing?

Technoblade: They argue often, and I'm not in the mood to calm them down right now.

Nikki: hmm... I know we've only known each other for a week but... You can tell me what's wrong, I don't know if I can help you but I think it's better to let out any frustration than keep it

Technoblade: It's only been a week, I don't really know you.... But.... I guess it would be nice to do it

Nikki: You want to visit me?

Technoblade: Anything is better than the ravine... And yes, I think it would be fine, as long as you agree

Nikki: Sounds good to me, there's not much I can do here alone.

That was the beginning of a true friendship, two strong hearts, two people with similar ideals, two spirits full of courage... And a relationship that seemed to blossom as time went by.

Nikki: Seriously tell me, what other nickname could they give you? I don't think there are any that sound bad

Technoblade: There are only two known, although Phil started calling me "the human GPS"

Nikki: pff- *giggle* I don't believe you

Technoblade: believe it, one day he couldn't find his way back to the cabin and I just had to guide him.

Nikki: Is there anything else I should know?

Technoblade: hmm, Tommy started calling me "Technolate" because of how late I usually get to the ravine... People are nothing new, "The blood god" "The Blade" "monster", those things

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