~ Bloodline ~

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Narrator's Pov

The first thing Tommy saw when he woke up was his watch, the boy who had just turned fifteen had been anxiously waiting for that day, why? simple, Wilbur owed him one thing and he was going to make sure he kept his promise.

When Tommy was eight years old, he saw how Wilbur decided to leave the snowy biome to go live in L'Manburg, the 18-year-old boy at the time was sure of one thing, he would not last another day in that place, Wilbur had goals and dreams and he was not going to fulfill them by staying there.

That day the brown-haired young man would come to visit for his brother's birthday, Quackity had told him in a letter that Wilbur was preparing for something big, Dream didn't seem to want to give in to giving them independence, so, taking advantage of his presidency, he started the preparations himself, and Tommy wanted to be part of that.

Tommy loved L'Manburg, the times he went to the place to see Tubbo, Quackity and Eret just felt unique, from the first day he stepped on the land of L'Manburg, Tommy knew that he had to stay there for good.

He saw through his window how Technoblade was with his horse Carl, and he wanted to go with him as Wilbur arrived, another ten years had passed since Kristin left for the Underworld and Tommy had to admit something, the memory of his mother is blurry, he knows she is a kind woman, but the image that stays forever in his head is the day she left again

Tommy: hey Techno

Technoblade: mornin' sleeping beauty, I was starting to think that you died

Tommy: eh, do you know where dadza is?

Technoblade: fishing or flying, that's like- the most interesting things he does

Tommy: for not saying the only thing... Can I give Carl some apples?

Technoblade: no. I already fed him, go get ready for when Wil arrives, I'll go hunt

Tommy: I can hear the voices from here!

Technoblade: tell me something you don't listen to Tommy

Tommy: they wanted you to let me give Carl at least one apple!

Technoblade: yeah well, you can't always have what you want, may this be a lesson for you *leaves*

Tommy: pff, fuck off

Technoblade and Tommy's relationship had changed drastically, they could be together in silence but eventually they would have to force themselves to talk as everything became awkward from one moment to the next, the young man knows that the change in his brother is normal, however, it is difficult for him not to feel distanced from him.

An hour later, Philza was already at home and everyone was preparing everything for the meal that day, despite it being his birthday, Tommy wanted to give Wilbur a present, In case he didn't let him go with him to L'Manburg, he would use the gift as a bribe.

Someone knocked on the door and Philza went to open it and there he was, the president of L'Manburg... Or at least that's how the people had "decided", WilburSoot, the man who gave everything for that land, had become an exemplary citizen and an inspiration to all... Clearly a certain anarchist did not think the same, when he saw his twin brother dressed in the uniform that had been delivered to those who worked alongside him in L'Manburg, he made a face that was somewhere between disgust and annoyance.

Philza: son! Long time no see!

Wilbur: seven years dad... Time will start to take its toll one of these days

Tommy: Wilbur! Hahaha, I can't believe it, you came!

Wilbur: why of course I came *hugs him* it's your birthday Tommy, I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world

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