~ All the birds of a feather ~

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1781. A man was walking through the streets looking for his way to his old house, he was a little different. Unlike the others, he showed no interest in joining a war, he did not consider it right that women had fewer job opportunities or education than men, unlike the rest, he was even willing to give up his job for his family, he preferred peace instead of all the money in the world

The blond man met an old friend of his, or well... Nobody knows if you can consider a person with whom you've had more disagreements than agreements your friend, but they've known each other for years, since childhood to be exact. He went to him and without thinking he decided to play a little by scaring him. Simon, unlike this man, was much more serious and did not like to break the scheme which has been maintained for so long, quite the opposite of the man

Simon: God!... Hey, ¶π+$#-¢, you don't have to scare me like that

- My apologies, but you know me, I can't help it. Is there a reason why you are here?

Simon: Well, my wife finally gave birth to a boy yesterday, I would have loved to tell you that day but- *sigh* no one knows where you go every day my friend

- That's a private matter, Simon, but I'm glad you and your wife finally had the son you've been waiting for so long, Esther, Katherine and Malorie will surely be delighted to see their new younger brother

Simon: I don't doubt it... But I must start looking for a suitable husband for the three of them, there is no other way to make them get ahead

- You know I don't agree with that... My wife and daughter wouldn't either.

Simon: I know... God bless those two, they were good women, my friend... I don't know how you're still standing

- It's what they would have wanted... Anyway, I'm just taking one last walk before I go

Simon: you're leaving?

- Yes, i'm moving far away from the city, and I must tell you that you won't see me in the office again, but, good luck with any plan you have in mind

Simon: .... I'll see you later, I promise

- sure, ah, and try to get away from those myths and legends books, I don't believe that something like reviving is possible

Simon: that's what you want to believe

A family man that lost everything in just moments, his wife and daughter fell terribly ill and unfortunatly none of them survived, one of his friends left him a letter before dying in war, his parents died by defending a group of kids that were being treated as slaves... Yes, death was part of this man's life and even though some might think that at this point he should be used to it, no pain can be compared to losing the people you love the most in the whole world

He and his friend have had a huge amount of disputes while they were following their political careers and social ideals, everything got worse when his friend afiliated with another male that had worst goals than his friend's, they still talked to each other, but there was some tension between the two. Three years passed after that talk and now there were presidential elections, Despite being born in England, his family decided to move to the United States when he was young, miraculously he did not lose his accent

He had lost interest in politics and all the corruption and tension that went into it, for the first time in years he wanted to take a break but it didn't seem like people wanted the same from him. His friend and this "tyrant" (in his own words) were rivals, each with their own political party, people demanded to know his choice because at the end of the day, he was an important figure

- Okay... Do you want to hear my opinion again? That is what is going to happen. Let's see what proposals these two have


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