~ Family ~

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- Narrator -

Tommy was slowly approaching his target, they were completely calm and looked so peaceful... He had something for them and it couldn't wait, the sun barely came out and the day was quite relaxing. Once close to that person, a mischievous smile settled on his face only to end up giving a scream that would wake up half the street.



Ranboo: I-I told him it was a bad idea...

Tommy: oh please Ranboo, we weren't doing this all night to not show him.

Tubbo: what did you do?

Tommy: there's a cake downstairs for you, there will be a party in a few hours and invite some friends, don't worry, it's only the ones we know very well... Tubbo come on, it's your twenty-first birthday and we said we'd make up for lost time, we have to, don't we?

Tubbo: wait, wait... You guys organized a whole party just for me?

Ranboo: why of course, you're our friend, why wouldn't we? Even if it was just an afternoon eating pizza, we would have done it to celebrate you.

Tubbo: guys... Oh gods, thank you!

Tommy: It's not a big deal dude, hey, seriously, we have to go down now

Two years have passed since Tommy regained his citizenship and since Technoblade appeared again in New L'Manburg only to end up disappearing again but this time with Dream by his side, despite the Butcher Army's insistence, the blonde never said the location of the god with the excuse that he wrote to see him in certain places. As the days passed, the army and his supporters watched as Tubbo defended Tommy from any possible trouble, generating obvious jealousy in them.

Despite the fact that Jack was not formally part of the group, it also bothered him to see the boy with Tubbo for so long, they even thought they saw that the young president gave Tommy certain privileges, which was actually the case, but the blond didn't seem to notice and Tubbo was just trying to make sure his friend didn't have some kind of grudge against him. Quackity, Fundy, Jack and Sam saw how the pair of friends were talking again, Philza and Ghostbur accompanied them to make a security mechanism in case an attack occurred. Tommy walked away from the group for a moment and Quackity took action when he saw this.

Quackity: Sam, come with me, you two get the kid

Sam: sure

Jack: Exactly what are we going to do?

Quackity: I'm not the only one who doesn't trust Tommy now that he's back, see if you can get something out of him

Fundy: whatever you say, c'mon Jack

Quackity: hey Tubbs... Guys

Tubbo: Big Q!

Philza: hey Quackity, hi Sam

Sam: what are you doing?

Philza: oh Tubbo just wanted to check one thing, I think I can do it but if you want some mechanism or portal I'm going to need time

Tubbo: Sure, just as long as you can do this.

Quackity: so... Did you hear what happened? It seems that someone tried to enter the house of a lady

Ghostbur: hm? How did someone try to enter?

Sam: The window was broken and it was on the second floor.

Tubbo: eh, well, about that-

Quackity: we know it was Tommy, no need to explain

Ghostbur: ... Quackity you seem upset

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