~ Captain's call ~

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Let's talk a little about Puffy.

A woman who was given the duty of taking care of the future god of the Dream SMP, the duty of taking care of the demigod of construction, and of taking care of the oldest Warden that has ever existed. The woman gave everything she could to defend those three children, to be loyal to The Inbetween and The Pentagon. It all took more energy than she could ever give.

But now those children had grown up, and the task given to her had logically concluded, not too well. She betrayed the youngest of her children, neglected the middle one, and was never aware of the eldest's potential. Puffy had fought countless battles, she had been completely faithful to all the gods in the SMP, but honestly... She was drained.

— So.... You're leaving? — Sally asked her, they were on the bench where Tubbo and Tommy used to meet, only unlike them, they were smoking. — Are you sure?.

— I think so.... Sally, I'm a captain. My home is in the ocean, I've done my job here.... It's time to move on  — She replied, Sally had been Puffy's confidant for years, if she needed to clarify her ideas she would help her.

— Well, if that's the case.... — Sally put out her cigarette  — It was an honor to have met you, Caroline Schlatt. And I hope we can see each other in the future, if you decide to return  — She looked at her with a sly smile, it hurt her to let go of probably the only friend and ally she had left, but if that was her calling, she would respect it.

Puffy laughed lightly.  — It was also an honor to meet you... Astlyr Damen — Before she could continue, Sally interrupted her.

— It's... Astlyr Minecraft now — She showed her the ring while still smiling.  — Yeah... The bastard convinced me to try again, we're not officially married yet. — Puffy practically laughed out loud.

— And I thought that the crazy one was him... But... Congratulations... Astlyr Minecraft — She sighed before continuing. — I still don't know when I'll leave... But I know it will be after I see you walk again in a white dress towards that damn idiot. — Now it was Sally who laughed.

— You better, I have no idea who to invite — It was a good afternoon, eventually Sally went her own way and Puffy was left wandering around the L'Manberg crater.

Puffy walked for a long time, she was taking her time, looking at the houses, or what was left of them, remembering Doomsday bitterly every time she saw the obsidian structure, but she fondly remembered looking at the flag, still flying. Despite being on opposite sides, Puffy helped Niki sew the L'Manberg flag, Eventually the captain stopped at a tomb, one relatively far from the destruction. Jschlatt's grave, she sat next to it and rested her head

—  Hey brother... You've missed out on a lot and ironically that makes you the luckiest son of a bitch ever. — she laughed bitterly  — Don't tell anyone this... But I really miss you... I didn't think I needed my older brother until now — she sighed

Glatt looked at her as she spoke, luckily the sun had already set so he had no problem showing up, but he didn't know how much it could affect her. For some reason, Jschlatt only cared about what happened to Puffy.

— .... Everything is shit around here... And now I'm leaving... Niki doesn't know, well, no one but Sally knows. — Puffy looked sad and how could she not be? For a long time it was just her and Jschlatt, then it was just her and her children, now it was just her, alone— Am I doing the right thing? Jonathan, I feel like I'm just trying to run away from all my problems again.... There's still so much going on and I just- I don't know what to do anymore. — She was desperate, she needed someone to tell her if everything she was about to do was the right thing to do.

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