~ I'll be by your side ~

7 0 0

Kristin hadn't shown up, two weeks had passed and there was no news from her, not even Dream knew where the goddess was but he couldn't blame her, she needed time. Wilbur prepared his things to leave in the morning, Sally did not have as many injuries as Nikki so she soon got better, in all this time the grackle had not spoken to his father and he didn't let Tommy be alone with him either, the only one who didn't accept leaving was Technoblade, because he always stayed with his father no matter what.

Philza: ... Are you sure she doesn't need more time?

Wilbur: None of your damn buisness

Technoblade: Wilbur. Stop

Wilbur: You stop siding with him! You always do it, you're always with him doing what he wants, have a little autonomy, Technoblade

Philza: I'll go find Tommy, he's probably still asleep.


Quackity: Explain to me again why you are here

Tommy: I didn't want to be in the cabin... Wil doesn't talk to Phil and when he does it's just yelling

Quackity: How often are the screams?

Tommy: .... They last a long time, I really don't want to think about it, if- if you don't want me to stay I can always go to Pogtopia-

Quackity: You can stay. Slime, take Tommy to Purpled, have him show him the faction and tell Fundy I want to talk to him.

Slime: As you say Quackity from Las Nevadas! Come with me Tommy from Nowhere

Tommy: yeah, eh- Qua- ... Big Q!

Quackity: yes?

Tommy: thanks, really

Quackity felt a little good when he heard Tommy call him by that nickname, he liked having Tommy around even if they weren't on such good terms but Tommy didn't know where to go, so he ran off with the first person that came to mind, Tommy had escaped, very cowardly of him but he didn't want to deal with whatever he was witnessing at home.

No one noticed that Tommy wasn't around until a week later, it seems that Wilbur had no problem leaving him to his own devices, he just wanted to hurt Phil. The grackle arrived at Las Nevadas where Quackity told him his brother was, he saw Tommy talking to Tubbo, it was strange to see them so calm again

Wilbur: Tommy

Tommy: fuck... Hi Wil

Wilbur: The Needle, now

Tommy: Well this is where my existence ends

Tubbo: Tommy...

Tommy: yeah?

Tubbo: I know we're not... Friends or anything like that but... I'm here... if you need to talk

Tommy: ... Thanks Tubbs

Technoblade: I can always build an extra cabin for you, I know you love having space

Philza: ... Sure, uh-... I'll be back in a bit

Technoblade: It won't do you any good to go fishing because I already have enough food here, I don't think mom wants to see you in the Underworld or wherever she is and I think you better read something, you always end up asleep after doing that and you need to rest

Philza: [giggles] *rolls eyes* you know me like the back of your hand huh?

Technoblade: I've been by your side long enough, I know when you say one thing and want to do another

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