~ They said "pacifism" but fate said "nope" ~

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How can we define immortal beings? They are beings of extraordinary strength, capable of bleeding like any man but also with the opportunity to live for eons as a god or demigod, sometimes they were given the honor of being second to some god. They are beings who are born anywhere in the world and for different reasons, beings who have to define their purpose, why do they exist? What reason do they have for being in the place where they are?

Who are they?

Nick, or better known as Sapnap, an immortal being born in the Nether by a Blaze, but it was not a Blaze who brought him to life, it was only its essence, BadboyHalo was the one who made him exist like any other kid. Immune to fire and with the ability to control it, even though Bad and Skeppy wanted to keep his abilities at a certain limit so he wouldn't focus on power, Sapnap dedicated himself to training until his abilities were at their peak, he trained as a warrior, because he felt that his calling was to the battlefields.

George on the other hand, was very different from Sapnap, born by the powers of Lore Man and Lore Woman in a mushroom, both beings were little-known deities, powerful but with no known information, unlike Sapnap, George grew up alone, learning to observe before acting and staying in the shadows protecting from the fire after dumping the gasoline and waiting for someone to strike the match

And Karl... Karl doesn't really remember his origins, he may well be a creation of Dream XD himself... He may well be an accident from The Lookout, but he didn't dare raise his hand to anyone unless absolutely necessary. A shy yet smart boy, Karl had his strengths but was constantly underestimated, to avoid trouble he simply tried to suppress his abilities which on many occasions... Were more than he could bear

The three of them became the founders of Kinoko Kingdom, a faction aiming to be pacifist but with a military defense just in case their home was endangered, one would think that they would end up like L'Manburg or worse... But they were prepared for anything. None of them expected Dream's request for help as soon as they saw him running towards their faction, and they did not expect to receive hundreds of people who were in need of a home, but someone had to make things right

Sapnap was training, it was his way of distracting himself, Karl had not returned and that was beginning to worry him, a month and a half had already passed since Doomsday and there was still no sign of the traveler. George arrived at his training area and at a slow pace he arrived with his friend, sometimes Nick didn't know when a break was necessary

George: hey

Sapnap: I won't do it

George: Sapnap, your knuckles are bleeding... Let's drop the training for today and go heal you up

Sapnap: ... I have to distract myself with something, George... I can't stop thinking about Karl... And Quackity

George: Let time take care of Quackity, and about Karl, he'll be back when he finishes whatever he's been asked to do, he'll be fine

Sapnap: ... *sigh* okay, I'll stop for today only

George: With those wounds you will have to say goodbye to punching for a few weeks

Sapnap: .... Do you know where he is?

George: Quackity? Nah, no one has heard from him since he went on the run... Kind of pathetic if you ask me, I guess whatever pep talk they gave him was for nothing... His poor son

Sapnap: I'm talking about Karl... I'll deal with Quackity later

George: As far as I'm concerned, maybe he's in The Lookout or at some point in our history writing in detail each event, don't worry about him, we both know how capable he is

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