~ We're walking a tightrope ~

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George and Dream were at their base near L'Manburg, they looked calm, they had just declared war on them but they took the situation as if they were going for ice cream. George was lying on Dream's lap

George: Will you ever face things? We won't be like this again Dream. Accept it, you need to let me go

Dream: G-george, what are you talking about?

The colorblind man got up to face Dream, he was not liking this

George: I mean... you have to wake up

And he did

He woke up agitated in his bed, he didn't know why he had been dreaming a lot about George lately, the last time he saw him was in Kinoko when he almost died, meanwhile, in Kinoko Kingdom, George couldn't sleep at all. He decided to sneak out for a while, he liked to walk at night, it helped him relax, Dream also left the cabin in the snowy biome, clearly he was not going to bear the cold so he used an Ender Pearl to be able to be in a warmer place

"Some people long for a life that is simple and planned"

He did not know how long he had been walking, he only knew that he did not want to stop, as if he had a need to go further for a person, he wanted to believe that it wasn't about him, he didn't want to see him again, he wasn't ready.

Karl woke up because of the brightness in his diary, he had to write something but there was no portal, he was just going to look for what he had to write down, something he had to witness. It seemed like he was floating and heading only where he had to go.

"Tied with a ribbon"

As he walked, he felt that he was closer to someone, each step cost more than the previous one, more and more memories appeared in his mind, how everything was before the wars and complications, before the factions and conspiracies, he remembered when they played as children, George had lived through that a thousand times but for some reason, this time felt different.

"Some people won't sail the sea 'cause they're safer on land"

Dream had never run away from home, Dream had never argued with Puffy, Dream had never disobeyed DreamXD and clearly in no life or "lines", as he called them, Dream had become friends with Tommy. Everything where he was was different, but why? What changed so suddenly?

"To follow what's written"

George had changed Dream, George was free, George didn't have to follow unnecessarily strict rules, George wasn't to answer to someone who could kill him at will, George wasn't going to be forced to rule anything.

George was everything Dream wanted in his life, literally and metaphorically speaking, George gave Dream a new perspective, in any other line, Dream would have ignored the bespectacled young man, but in this one he felt an almost magnetic attraction to the boy.

George helped Dream see that he had a choice. And he would be faithful in body and soul in return

"But I'd follow you to the great unknown"

Sapnap taught him to be brave, Sapnap taught him that when someone says "you can't", "you are incapable", you must show them otherwise, Sapnap was one with fire, Sapnap was one with danger, Dream wanted to know what Sapnap was capable of.

No matter how hard he tried, his eyes and his full attention were on George.

"Off to a world we call our own"

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