~ The Masquerade ~

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Karl followed Sir Billiam downstairs, there was something about the man that disturbed him in a strange way, as if he was hiding something, but the traveler had no idea what it was that he hadn't seen. To the apparent surprise of the host, there was indeed someone at the door, with a cunning smile he let the stranger through who, in his opinion, had a terrible countenance.

Sir Billiam: ah! James, come in, please

James: hello...

Sir Billiam: We haven't seen each other in a long time dear friend, how is the wife?

James: divorced...

Sir Billiam: How's the family?

James: destroyed...

Sir Billiam: ... You make it very difficult to talk to you

James: Where do you have the alcohol?

Sir Billiam: Butler! Butler, bring us three glasses of wine!

The butler did what was asked of him and as quickly as he could he gave the men their drinks, although of course, for his master that was not enough, apparently "taking ten seconds" is very slow, and well, Karl had to play along if he wanted to get out of this alive

Two more people showed up at the mansion, one of them with a strange resemblance to Fundy, - "Are they all descendants of these people?" - It was a doubt that Karl had as soon as he saw the new guests, he really didn't want to deal with so many people after the doomsday news and the fact that now his relationship with Quackity is non-existent.

Sir Billiam: Wow, welcome, could you please tell me your names if you don't mind?

"My pleasure, I am Lord Sebastian"

"And I'm Oliver Arechtenshire Smichalist Cumbucket"

Karl: ... I-I just understood that he said "Oliver"

Sir Billiam: Ah, James, these are our guests, I didn't know my butler could deliver invitations to so many places.

Lord Sebastian: I thought this event was only for wealthy people Sir Billiam, I'm saying this because our friend here doesn't seem... Rich at all

Sir Billiam: Oh no, I'm afraid you're wrong dear friend, he comes from "The Lookout". He is only one portal away from "The Inbetween"

Lord Sebastian: Oh... Oh! My, my, he's someone very important then

Karl: I- I wouldn't put it that way

Oliver: please don't be modest, surely you have talked to hundreds of gods

Karl: well-

Lord Sebastian: With the level of importance "The Historian" has, I'm sure he's spoken to that particular god.

Sir Billiam: Without a doubt, follow me, I'm going to lead you to- ... Butler! Who is... This commoner?

Mayordomo: ... Ah-

"I'm Drew P. Wiener"

Sir Billiam: ... Butler, get this undesirable being out of my house.

Karl: I think he's trying to tell you something

Sir Billiam: You have five seconds to speak

Mayordomo: I can't get him out because he has an invite, master

Sir Billiam: Enough... I don't think he has-

Drew P. Wiener: Here it is buddy, your little friend is not lying

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