~ now four remain ~

16 0 0

Narrator's Pov








Eight months passed and now they were all together, Philza in the distance and his sons along with the rest of the Pogtopians and their allies, Badlands provided them with materials such as iron and diamonds, it was useful but they knew they would need more, Eret would fight alongside the revolutionaries while Dream and his team would be in Jschlatt's troops seeing when it would be better to stab him in the back. Wilbur, Technoblade and Tommy led the rebellion, that dawn of November 16 would not be forgotten by anyone... Wilbur would make sure of that

Tommy: I forgot to tell you... Happy birthday

Wilbur: The pleasure of being one year closer to our age did not last

Tommy: You and Techno are already 27, start looking for a nursing home

Technoblade: Don't complain after I leave you with nothing to inherit

Quackity: Hey, where are we going? I know we are close to Manberg but- guys we only have iron and very little diamond

Fundy: They're gonna kill us, don't be offended, I like the idea of ​​killing the son of a bitch but... We're screwed

Technoblade: Not really, there's something I need you to see... I was working on this a few months ago

Nikki: what is it?

Technoblade: oh, you'll find out

They arrived at an underwater base that Technoblade had created to store their materials and various things they would need, the group was confused but for them something worse was having absolutely nothing so they began to snoop around in the chests of the god, even though they didn't know that they were invading his privacy

Technoblade: Ah- those chests are mine, those are my stuff

Nikki: oh... Oh! Right, okay, well- uh- Everything back to its place then

Wilbur: I don't get it, if this is yours, what are we doing here?

Technoblade: ah, this is just my base... Yeah, there's nothing here that can actually help you

Fundy: it's better than nothing though

Technoblade: now this.... This is "The Vault"

Technoblade pulled a lever revealing more space than there seemed to be, some pistons revealed a room full of Netherite armor and weapons, chests, potions, arrows of different types,crossbows, lapis lazuli, gold, emeralds, diamonds and fireworks Everything in "The Vault" was made for the group that was there and clearly their confidence increased when they saw how everything was the best of the best, before they thought they were going to win, now they were sure that it would happen

Tubbo: WHAT?!

Nikki: SHUT UP


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