~ Knock, knock. Get the door, it's depression ~

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How long had he been in there? He had no idea, the routine was already the same, wake up, eat (or maybe not), sleep, be tortured, bleed out, heal his wounds (or maybe not), sleep and repeat. Dream didn't even know what day it was anymore, he felt cold every day, maybe it was because he was slowly dying, despite being surrounded by lava, Pandora's Vault was cold as fuck

Today was a little different, he had a visitor beyond Quackity, if he could he would have gotten up without a problem but the most he could do was turn his head to the direction of the entrance and focus a little bit, oh gods, it was george


Dream: Look George. Everything the light touches, is our kingdom, the time of a king as ruler, rises and falls like the sun

George: ... What do you mean with that?

Dream: One day, George, the sun will set at the end of my time here and will rise with you... As the new king

George: I- you are-

Dream: I'm promising you everything, yeah

Sapnap: Dream- ... Clay.... What about DreamXD? If he finds out-

Dream: I'll deal with him one day, but for now I want to do something of my own free will. This land was ours from the moment we got here, and when my time comes... I want this land to be yours.

Sapnap: Ours... But George will be in charge and we all know he's going to fuck everything up.

George: oh, fuck you

Dream: I count on it

Sapnap: HA! I told you!

George: come here Pandas!

Dream: hey, hell nah! OH GEORGE!

Dream: ... George...

George: ... I was told you were here... I was never told you looked like shit

Dream: *giggle* yes... I asked Sam to keep it a secret to keep my image

George: I'm not here to make jokes. And I didn't come to show compassion either

Dream: ... I know... you look good

George: You promised me everything, and in the end we both were left with nothing, you swore that you were doing the right thing, that it was your own will and when everything got out of control you began to act... Like a monster

Dream: And you started going with him more often

George: You think I don't know what he wants? *Scoffs* Do you think I don't know what he's planning?! I'm not a jerk, Dream, and like it or not, I really don't need you.

Dream: So what are you doing here, huh? You come- you come to complain about something else? You come to tell me what a horrible person I am? THERE IS SOMEONE ALREADY DOING THAT DAILY, I DON'T NEED ANOTHER PERSON DOING IT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH

George: .... Coming here was a mistake

Dream: yeah... Just like your existence...

George: ..... So that's how it is, huh? Good to know, I guess I won't need this anymore *throws a bracelet*

Dream: ... If you're done... Get out

George left immediately after that, although he was concerned to see the state Dream was in, he didn't say a word. His hair messy and dirty, his mask half destroyed, his uniform destroyed and worn, Dream sounded tired and he was, but he tried not to show it when Quackity arrived with him.

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