~ Welcome ladies and gentlemen... ~

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After Charlie, things hadn't been easy for Quackity, Glatt's constant teasing only brought back memories of the past, the Mexican started smoking more than usual and drinking expensive but strong alcoholic beverages to try and ignore what was going on around him. He secretly confronted his "cousin" who had no choice but to confess everything he had done, so Quackity had an internal struggle daily, thinking everything that happened to him was more than he could bear so he had Eret's help

It wasn't long before the grand opening and the simple fact that Charlie wasn't going to be there made the Mexican feel bad, he was playing billiards with Wilbur in his private bar, The grackle found it very strange to be invited overnight, but he would accept as long as it was close to the duck. Halfway through the game, it occurs to Wilbur to ask why the hell Quackity acted so nice all of a sudden.

Wilbur: If you ask me, this is... Strange, Big Q, we haven't been like this for a long time

Quackity: Stop being so paranoid all the time Soot, relax a bit

Wilbur: I'm not paranoid, I'm a realist. A month ago you were kicking me out and now you're all buddy-buddy with me, what do you have planned?

Quackity: Honestly, I was bored, and since you're the only weirdo hanging around here illegally, I wanted to have some fun. Do you want a drink?

Wilbur: ... Sure, as long as you don't put poison in it

Quackity: As long as you don't act like my ex-husband, you won't have to worry about the poison. Here you go

Wilbur: ... Cabernet Sauvignon, this is terribly expensive, isn't it?

Quackity: I've made some good money, plus you're in a fancy place, Wil... I think it's good to spend your money on something that makes you feel good when you already have what you need.

Wilbur: hm... Well, if you don't mind, I need a cigarette, do you want one?

Quackity: I smoked this morning, I'm fine

The brown-haired man moved away a bit to light a cigarette and as soon as he blew out the smoke Quackity had to turn around, yes, his capnolagnia was sometimes a problem but we're talking about, no joke, one of the most attractive men in the SMP, Wilbur noticed the change in attitude and thought about having some fun too, he loved watching Quackity play but come on, give him credit, they weren't killing each other at that very moment

Wilbur: Do I make you nervous Quackity?

Quackity: shut up

Wilbur: You do know that Sally doesn't really care about this, right? We could do whatever we want and she would be completely calm.

Quackity: shut your mouth and play

Wilbur: Don't worry... Oh.... Quackity uh- How many bottles have you been drinking?

Quackity: In the day or in the week?

Wilbur: I'm serious

Quackity: Mind your own business

And suddenly Quackity was in his suite, he just woke up and saw how Wilbur was getting ready to go out, he had already dressed and how him and Sally was not really something exclusive yet, they both had the freedom to be with whoever they wanted, Sally couldn't get mad at Wilbur for seeing other people and Wilbur couldn't get mad at Sally even if he wasn't seeing anyone.

Quackity: I thought Sally was your adoration.

Wilbur: And she is. If I believed that you are what I am looking for, what I need and what I want, I would have stayed with you, but the truth is... Nah

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