~ The Red Banquet ~

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The day had come. For the others it was 8 months of waiting and tension, for Technoblade and Quackity it was a week of planning, no one was prepared for this, not even the guests. What would fate hold for them once there? And most importantly, would they get out of there alive? That's something we're about to find out

Sapnap was looking for a tie for George, he couldn't find it before he went to The Lookout to wait for Karl, it took him a while but he eventually found it so he called his friend to tell him how much time he had left. Tommy wasn't allowed to go to the Eggpire but hey, he's an adult now and although he didn't like the idea of ​​disrespecting his father, he felt like he was about to find out something big.

Nikki, Sally and Fundy were getting ready to leave, they agreed to see George at the gates of Kinoko Kingdom to go all together just in case something happened if they were alone. Of course, before leaving Nikki spoke with a god, yes, by the time Technoblade found out about the change in Nikki's invitation, he made her tell him everything in extreme detail

The one who really worried was Wilbur, he had come to Kinoko just to see his wife and son, of course he was not going to take that invitation as a good thing, He tried to infiltrate the Eggpire and was nearly killed in the process, he couldn't take Red Banquet as a good thing

Sapnap: This has to work, right? It has information on that thing, this has to help us figure out what the hell is actually going on... *sigh* I can't believe I actually keep that damn book, Clay, I hope that gift is useful to me


Sally: We'll be fine, you know we're good at fighting

Wilbur: Still, it's not a good idea, I just know it

Fundy: We have no choice, it's too late to back out now

Wilbur: They are dangerous

Sally: And so are we. We can handle this, we'll be back before you even know we're gone

Wilbur: ... If something happens, let me know right away

Fundy: I don't think it's necessary, it's a banquet, what could happen?


Nikki: I know I should have told you but I can handle this alone, I already told you that I am not a defenseless lady or a princess in trouble... Your parents have the same invitation and I don't see you as worried

Technoblade: It's because you didn't really see me, before I left the house I was talking about the exact same thing with Phil. I'm not telling you this because I think you're not strong enough, I care about you, Phil, my mother, I care about all of you... Losing you would be the worst of punishments

Nikki: ... Listen, there are weapons hidden on the table because Hannah helped us with that, in case they try to ambush us I know I'll be able to defend myself for that precaution. You have nothing to worry about

Technoblade: Knowing that you have weapons there is not going to calm me, you know that I see all the possible results before jumping to a conclusion

Nikki: I'll be back. I promise you


George: Ah my hero, I couldn't find this thing

Sapnap: I know, you searched like crazy... Be careful there

George: I know.... I just hope that what Karl did changes the ending of this

Sapnap: Even if it doesn't, you know I'm one of the survivors. And I'll make sure I don't die trying to snap you out of your trance.

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