~ Get in the sand! ~

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A constant cough woke Technoblade in the middle of the night, was it even night? He didn't know, he didn't care, he could only focus on his cellmate who had fallen from the rickety bed without breathing properly. Dream was only sleeping when suddenly he began to cough without being able to stop, he even coughed up blood, he couldn't breathe, what was happening to him?

Technoblade: Dream? .... Dream?! Hey, somebody come here!

Dream was taken to the infirmary thanks to Bad, among the guards that were in the prison he seemed to be the only one who cared about everyone's well-being, no matter who the prisoner was or what they did. After a few hours, which for the god felt like days, Dream returned to Pandora's Vault with Bad, nothing was right

BadboyHalo: Don't let Sam keep giving him poisoned potatoes.... Apart from harming him, they put something else in his food. I don't know what it is, but you can't let them keep doing that to him.

Technoblade: Why are you helping us?

BadboyHalo: ... You and Quackity were the ones who freed me from The Egg's control... I owe you

Technoblade: Dream wasn't with us at the Red Banquet

BadboyHalo: He was on my mind... He did what he could to keep that thing at bay and it worked... He's getting weak, you have to get him out of here, I can help you find escape routes

Technoblade: That would make you look like a traitor

BadboyHalo: I already betrayed my people by letting that thing control me, this is the most loyal thing I can do

Wilbur and Tommy were walking towards Las Nevadas, more and more people were arriving and more constructions were being done, Quackity was making himself known and that was obvious to the rest of the factions. Tommy didn't understand Wilbur's growing obsession with Quackity, he already had someone to annoy but the brunette was bored half the time.

Tommy: Will you tell me what you want with him?

Wilbur: Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Do you really not understand? I want Quackity to break

Tommy: ... What?

Wilbur: Just think about it! All the potential he would have if we just gave him a little push... *Sigh* Quackity is just as crazy as we are, or at least, as others think we are.

Tommy: What do you mean "we"?! I'm not crazy!

Wilbur: Not yet

Tommy: Wilbur stop! If you want me to stay with you I need you to explain to me what the fuck are you planning

Wilbur: And if I don't what? You have nowhere to go Toms, the only person you could go with is Philza but I'm staying there too... But, since you insist-

Tommy: Do you plan to make another faction?

Wilbur: ... No.... No, I've had enough of that shit, I want some control in the world of Quackity... But of course, I also want a bit of stability, I think, the last time I wanted stability was when I married Sally and-

Tommy: okay, you are rambling. Why Las Nevadas? Why is Quackity necessary for your weird game?

Wilbur: Tommy, Quackity is... Unstable, but I need to know what it is that would drive him crazy, there's something about him that... I don't know... I love it

Tommy: That sounded very gay

Wilbur: Meh, I had my adventures before Sally

Tommy: She thinks it was the first?

Wilbur: She was the first woman I was with... Are you coming or not?

Tommy: ... Sure


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