~ Hidden sword ~

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Narrator's Pov

There were already several posters on the streets for people to support the "Butcher army", an alliance formed by Quackity to hunt down Technoblade and, hopefully, finding a weakness to go against the goddess of death, that was crazy and stupid but let's just say that the desire for revenge only seemed to increase in many and more considering the month they had been promoting it. Ghostbur was walking through New L'Manburg seeing another of those repetitive billboards and one that said something about an "Eggpire"

The spirit was tired of seeing the same publicity and it even made him a little angry since it was literally a group that had the objective of killing his family, he watched as his parents left their house and if it wasn't for the camouflage, Kristin wouldn't even be able to be with her husband. Ghostbur saw Ranboo and then an idea came to his mind, he didn't have to wait for an attack from the Butcher army, he could get everything he needed out of Ranboo and the others just by following his little act.

Ghostbur: hello Ranboo!

Ranboo: oh, Ghostbur, it's always a pleasure to greet you

Ghostbur: *giggle* you are very formal Ranboo, I like that

Ranboo: that's very kind of you, tell me, what can I help you with?

Ghostbur: well, I was going to go with mom and dad but I saw you and I thought it would be better to spend the afternoon with you if you don't have much to do, I'm seeing a lot of signs with the name "Butcher army"...But why do they have so much strawberry jam on their aprons?

Ranboo: a-ah, about that... Don't think too much about it Ghostbur... Actually, why don't you come with me?

Ghostbur: with you?

Ranboo: yes, I believe that I wrote here that the Butcher army was having a meeting

Ghostbur: are you a part of it?

Ranboo: yes, it's Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy and me, civilians help us with equipment and other things

Ghostbur: oh... You don't seem very happy about that

Ranboo: ... Listen Ghostbur, I understand you want to help , but i'm here to support Tubbo... He has helped me with my memory, now I hace to return the favor

Ghostbur: ... I didn't mean to make you sad, have some blue, calm yourself

Ranboo: haha, thanks buddy... I'm actually feeling much better now, well, shall we?

Ghostbur: ... Oh! I remembered that I have something for Phil, I worked on it the whole night but I promise I'll make it up to you

Ranboo: it's fine Ghostbur, don't worry. I believe I saw your parents in the market, thanks for your help, I'll see you around *leaves*

Ghostbur: *takes the blue* oh no... Thank you, actually... Okay, let's see what tortures you Ranboo...

Kristin: he really did that?

Philza: You would've loved to be there, Techno and I saw those writings and everything that Wil had and we almost couldn't believe that he wanted a more challenging education

Kristin: You certainly raised them well, dear... And I'm glad I can be with them now, at least for a little while

Quackity: I don't care, don't come with me if your information is useless

Philza: the hell?...

Kristin: Phil?

Philza: ... They're talking about you.... They're want to know if you have weaknesses

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