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- Narrator -

The moment Karl came out of the portal, he didn't see a huge and elegant mansion as the book indicated, what he saw was a town in the middle of the forest with some familiar faces there. Sam, Bad and George, although none of them seemed to notice the traveler's presence and he wanted to keep it that way, he didn't know what could happen if he intervened in past events. Karl thought he was being cautious and then a voice called out to him.

George: Karl?

Karl: ... Where am I?

George: uh- Gogtopia... Look, I'd explain but there are two people over there who have no idea who you are right now.

Karl: w-what are you talking about?

George: gosh you really need to learn about what we are... Karl, you and I have this ability to walk through the history of the SMP, for you understand me, Dream doesn't even exist yet

Karl: So why is the nation called "Dream SMP"?

George: duh, for DreamXD, at the time we're in, the nation is just forming, Puffy hasn't arrived yet, Philza and Kristin are ruling the Arctic Empire on SMP Earth, and there is still a long way to go before Sapnap and I "meet"

Karl: wait... This was-

George: prescribed? Something like that, time is not something you want to deal with, not when it comes to this.

Karl: okay- no, hold on, what are you doing here?

George: My job, you should have done yours years ago

Karl: I hardly ever use my abilities, what the hell do you expect me to do?

George: My job is to make sure the story runs its course, yours is to write that story... Though I'm surprised you've only just begun

BadboyHalo: George, come here and help us you muffinhead- oh, hello

Karl: ah-

George: *sighs* XD give me patience... Bad, this is Karl, Karl, this is BadboyHalo, you can call him Bad

BadboyHalo: You know him?

George: he's a friend, he's looking for a home

Sam: well lucky you, we're just beggining with Gogtopia, a new faction for our nation

Karl: ah, I know what a faction is-

George: what he meant to say is that he'd love to help, in fact, come with me

Sam: great, you can start colecting wood, when you have enough come back to start building

George: come with me

Karl: I don't get it, I found a whole different event from the one I was thinking of, the beggining of the SMP wasn't part of my plan

George: Be thankful that your magic dragged you here, you wouldn't last two minutes in that mansion

Karl: You don't know that

George: Hey, I've already been there, I know how those people are... Don't doubt that history will repeat itself

Karl: ... At what point does Dream get here?

George: After many, many years, first it's Mexican Dream, then he, and in the end it's Drista... You and I have to make sure that everything turns out as indicated.

Karl: And how will I do that? If I'm "the writer" or whatever, when the hell do I start, Philza and Kristin?

George: no... Their history is a mystery, we can only know the essentials, we have to start here but since you took your sweet time to use your powers, we just have to start

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