~ Independence ~

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Narrator's Pov

A bird was flying through the skies from the snowy biome to reach L'Manburg, Technoblade's letter for Tommy was tied to its leg and it was crucial for it to arrive because that could give advice and comfort to the young man who desperately asked for his help, but did the teenager know that there was not only a letter to arrive? No, Philza wrote one more note and planned to deliver it to his son personally, Not only did he want to see what his second son was doing, but he wanted to see if what had been heard was true

L'Manburg once a nation of peace now prepared for war against the king of the SMP,once both the bird and Philza arrived at the house where Tommy was staying, they waited for him to open his window or for him to come home, Phil saw how the streets of the nation, before full of people, were now empty and who came out looked with enormous sadness, there were families in that place but no one was evacuated, however, it had been heard that Dream had ordered the people living in the SMP faction to evacuate

Tommy arrived home and seeing his father at the entrance not only dropped the documents he had in hand, but he ran as fast as he could to give his father a hug as soon as he saw him, some tears even escaped from the eyes of the youngest, who never believed that he would need a little show of affection like that

Tommy: but- h-how?

Philza: I was with Techno when you send the letter, son, we're worried, both for you and for Wilbur, but we're willing to help you

Tommy: *sighs* thanks... Let me- let me just pick this up, Wil might be angry if he sees this on the floor

Philza: how's Quackity doing?

Tommy: he's awake but he won't talk to anyone about what happened... You uh, you want- want to come in?

Philza: son... I would love to but I can't stay here much, really, I barely dodged the guards

Tommy: oh yeah, uh, Wil he... He said that we have to keep an eye on the people... I-I want to think that it's for their safety but... I don't know... It doesn't feel right

Philza: it's been only five months and you've already changed a lot... If you feel like you can't stay here anymore, come home, there's nothing that can calm me more than knowing that you're safe

Tommy: *hugs him* thanks dadza... Seriously

Philza: no problem... Okay, I gotta go now, I hope I can be back soon

Tommy: yeah, I'll- I'll m-make sure yo write you more

Philza: bye Tommy

Tommy: bye dad...

The young man entered his house after their beautiful reunion and left the documents on a nearby table, He sat in an armchair and began to read the letters that his father and brother had sent, hoping to receive an answer or a clue to appease this situation.

Tommy: okay... Techno first... "Tommy....


Eret: why did you want to see me?

Dream: I have an offer for you, Eret, right?

Eret: nothing that you might offer is going to convince me, you're wasting your time

Dream: If there was a way to... Take down the tyrants of L'Manburg, wouldn't you risk taking that chance? Because... Think about how peaceful everything would be, not only I would give you your independence but you might as well go back to your ideal of peace, gosh I think we might even work together

Eret: I don't see you giving those kind of offers to Wilbur

Dream: ah... WilburSoot.... He is one of those tyrants, Eret, why do you think I act so hostile towards him? His brother on the other hand, his brother seems to be very innocent to everything despite his age

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