~ We all have knives in our back, you're not that special ~

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A young woman was walking through L'Manberg, Niki Nihachu was looking for materials for her assigned home. She'd have a roommate but she still wanted to decore her new home, she crossed paths with a young person with a crown and sunglasses, they looked nice

Niki: oh, hello... I- I don't want to bother, it's just... I just moved here and-

— You're the new girl? You're working with Wil too, right?

Niki: uh- yep, yep, that's me

— Fantastic! I'm Eret. I was told I would share a house with you

Niki: really? That sounds great [giggle] well, I was looking for some decor for the house, although-

Eret: I don't think that's a good idea... It's not for the decor it's mostly Wilbur, but we can paint a bit if that sounds good for you

Niki: sure, I'm sorry, I had no idea

Eret: rookie mistake, anyway, come with me

The purest friendships are those that are always there with you, even if you don't talk to that person for a while, you can count on them and they can count on you

It's almost poetic

Eret: Niki...

Niki: don't do that... You betrayed us, you believed in this more than anyone

Eret: but Quackity-

Niki: QUACKITY NO ESTA AQUI AHORA! .... ¡Yo estuve contigo! Yo fui quien te defendió de los conspiradores, yo fui quien te enseño supervivencia básica, ¡yo fui tu amiga! QUACKITY ISN'T HERE NOW! .... I was there with you! I was the one who stood up for you against consiparators, I was the one who thought you basic survival, I was your friend!

Eret: The last thing I wanted was to hurt you

Niki: and you did a hell of a job

Eret: please, you can come with me

Niki: I didn't escape one hell to go back to another.... You're alone in this, Eret

Eret: Niki...

Then everything happened, the Manberg festival, Pogtopia, and even with their mistakes, Eret stayed by Niki's side, Eret watched over Niki, Eret cared about Niki, but the woman wasn't alone and the monarch knew it, they just wanted to see her safe, they wanted to see her fine

Eret:... Is it too late yet to join the rebellion?

Niki: ... Wilbur...

Wilbur: look what hell has brought, I'm impressed Eret

Eret: And you still make me doubt, Wilbur... But I've seen Jschlatt's intentions.... Maybe you aren't as lost as I thought, you gave Niki and to many others a shelter

Niki: If it weren't for Technoblade I actually wouldn't be here

Wilbur: Oh yeah, I was going to kick her out. But we'll see what the "general" thinks.... Considering you're what he sees as a tyrant I hope something I'll enjoy

When the monarch was accepted, it was assigned to Niki to teach them the basics again so that Technoblade could teach them more advanced techniques, during that time there were moments where the awkwardness reigned between the two of them but as time went by they became close again. Eret even got to be acceptable for the god, not as much to be considered a friend but good enough to be considered a partner

Eret: Is it occupied?

Niki: not at all, come in. I just started to heat the water

Technoblade: how's Tubbo?

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